Chapter 8 fallout

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A/n: this chapter picks up 2 days after the last chapter let our story begin

Y/ns pov

Me and my team were walking through a forest that was known to have alot of grimm in it. We suspected that this was the location of Menendez and salems nuke factory. If we can find it before they launch the nuke then we can stop the world from having a world war.

Soap: Alright so this forest has the most negative energy around this is where salems factory should be.

Price: we took out salems right hand Menendez and adam. But cinder and her team are still a thing. So we gotta be careful.

Woods: well no shit Sherlock.

Woods says jokingly. Price gives woods a hard punch on his arm as he chuckles.

Price: ok smartass.

Yang: how close do you think we are?

Soap: probably pretty close.

Qrow: well no shit dumbass.

Y/n glares at qrow but price takes this chance to punch qrow in the face again.

Qrow: agh! I think you knocked a fucken tooth out!

Price: good! Now listen here you little prick. You dont speak hell you don't even breath without my permission do you understand!

Qrow: whats your deal dude?!

Price: do I need to remind you that you abused a little kid for years! Your lucky I dont kill you! Because trust me i would very much like too.

Ruby sees that her uncles being hurt and she quickly draws her scythe and puts it to prices neck. I quickly draw my m27 and aim it at her head. Woods soap roach ghost and hudson draw there weapons too and aim them at ruby.

Y/n: drop it.

Ruby: he was gonna hurt our uncle! Your gonna defend him?!

Y/n: Hell yeah. Captain price is basically my uncle just like woods. Your not my family. Task force 141 mason hudson and woods are. This is your last chance. Drop the scythe.

Yang: ruby enough put it down.

Ruby looks at her own sister in shock.

Ruby: your defending these asshats?!

Yang: y/ns right we arent his family. Even tho I never abused him you and the others did. So yeah I'm gonna defend him. So drop the scythe ruby.

Ruby growls as she drops her scythe. Price walks over to me as ruby quickly runs over to help qrow up. Yang walks over to me and my group while the rest of team rwby walks over to ruby and qrow.

Yang: hey y/n.

Y/n: yeah?

Yang: are you ok?

Y/n: yeah im fine. Tho if ruby ever trys that again I will put her down without hesitation.

Yang: ok...

Yang goes to walk off but I stop her.

Y/n: yang.

Yang: huh?

Y/n: thank you...for sticking up for me.

Yang turns to look at me she gives me a smile before walking off. Woods pats me on the back as he smiles.

Woods: your old man would be proud of you.

Y/n: heh thanks mate.

We eventually find the factory its guarded by grimm and some of Menendezs men.

Y/n: heh even when Menendez is dead his men are still loyal to salem.

Soap: yeah no shit.

I motion for the group to follow me. We sneak to the entrance. I motion for woods and soap to grab the 2 guards and kill them. They both nod and slit the guards throats. Roach and ghost quickly shoot the other 2 guarding the inside. I motion for price ruby and qrow to follow me. But before I head Inside I give something to woods.

Woods: whats this y/n?

Y/n: its a tracker. I have a small bug planted on me. If me and price don't come back assume the worst and use this to track us down.

Woods: Dont say shit like that. We got this.

Y/n: just do as i say.

Woods:....fine just be safe.

I nod as i lead ruby qrow and price into the celler while the others fend off the hords of grimm and Menendez men.

Y/n: ok the nuke should be right down here.

Price: there it is.

We quickly run over to it. Only to see that cinder and her team are guarding it.

Cinder: not so fast.

Me and price aim our guns at her.

Cinder: give up. Your out numbered.

Y/n: last I checked its 4 on 4 so we are even.

Cinder: oh that's cute.

Just then I feel something being pointed to my head. Ruby was pointing the barrel of her sniper to my head while qrow was doing the same with his sword.

Ruby: both of you drop your guns.

Price: you basterds!

Qrow hits price across the head making him fall to his knees.

Qrow: shut it. Did you really think we were gonna let you walk in here and disarm the nuke. Heh nope. Me and ruby have been moles for salem this whole time.

Y/n: you son of a bitch! Yang trusted you both! So did the other members of your team!

Ruby: does it look like i care.

Cinder: ruby qrow take them to the hole. Make sure they rot.

Ruby: got it.

And that was it ruby and qrow knocked me and price out everything went to black.

A/n: cliff hanger! Oh shit whats gonna happen next find out in the next chapter!

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