Chapter 5 Section vs raven

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A/n: This chapter takes place 3 days after the last chaper. Let our story begin

Y/ns pov

I was sitting up in a tree just watching ravens men patrol the camp. As im doing this i radio into yang and woods who are stationed a little closer to the camps main gates.

Y/n: There are 6 guards patrolling the gate. Im gonna snipe 2 of them but its up to you guys to take out the rest of the guards.

Yang: got it.

I quickly shoot one of the guards thats standing right next to the gate. I then fire another shot at the other guard. The shot goes right through his head making his guts splatter all over the grass. Yang and the others take this chance to jump the other guards and take them out. I smirk as i drop down from my vantage point and move over to the gate. I start to plant c4 on it.

Yang: Isn't that dangerous?

Y/n: Yeah. Its dangerous for them not us.

Woods smirks as he moves behind a tree. Hudson does the same along with yang. I move away from the gate and draw a detonator. I press it and a giant explosion goes off killing the 10 guards that were stationed by the door.

Bandit: what the hell was that?!

I walk into the camp and quickly draw my  m27. The bandits look at me in shock as they go for there weapons. But i quickly fire 2 shots into one of the bandits killing him. One of the bandits starts to rush me but i quickly kick him hard in the gut sending him to the ground. I then draw my pistol and shoot him right through the head. 3 bandits open fire on me but i quickly duck behind cover and draw a grenade. I throw it at them blowing them up. Another bandit rushes me but i quickly throw my combat knife into his neck killing him. Woods and the others walk through the gate and look around at the bodys on the ground and me covered in there blood.

Woods: Jesus christ.

Yang: How many guys did you take out?

Y/n: i would say about 10 maybe 11.

Yang: You took out 11 guys by yourself?!

Hudson: Oh please thats nothing when y/n was with mason they both took out 30 guys on there own.

Yang: So the both of them together took out 60 guys?!

Woods: Yup.

Yang: Jesus christ.

I smirk at yang as we start to walk twords ravens tent. But as we are walking more bandits run out from there cover and aim there guns at us.

Bandit: Drop your guns now!

Y/n: Mate you really dont wanna do this.

Bandit 2: Oh? And what are you gonna do theres 20 of us and 4 of you.

Y/n: Fine but just remember. I warned you...

I quickly run forward and open fire on the bandits killing off 7 of them. Yang also runs forward and starts beating the shit out of 5 bandits. Woods moves over by me and starts to help me mow down the rest of the bandits. Hudson smirks as he starts to head twords ravens tent. But a bandit runs at him with a knife. Hudson roles his eyes and draws his own combat knife before stabbinf the bandit right in the eye killing him.

Hudson: Jesus these guys must really have a hard on to die.

Woods: I know right.

I chuckle as i walk up to ravens tent and open it. Raven was sitting there just drinking tea with her right hand vernal. So i take this chance to shoot ravens hand making her drop her tea cup and cry out in pain.

Raven: AAAGH!!

Vernal: RAVEN!

illa turns around to grab her weapon. But yang delivers a hard punch to her jaw knocking her out.

Y/n: Did you miss me aunt raven?

Raven: y/n?

Y/n: Wow im shocked you remember me. Did you ever find a new kid for your quote on quote sword training?

Raven: I was making you strong!

Y/n: Now thats a bunch of bullshit.

Yang: Hey mom.

Raven: Oh great why did you bring her here?

Y/n: Simple so you could take us to one ruby rose.

Raven: You can forget it.

I draw my handgun and aim it at her head. Raven looks at me in fear.

Y/n: So help me if you finish that sentence ill put a bullet right between your eyes.

Raven: O-ok o-ok y-you win....ill take you to ruby.

Y/n: Good....

Raven grabs her sword and opens a portal to qrow. Yang walks through with her bike along with hudson. But as im about to leave with woods raven says something.

Raven: You know im proud of who you have become. Me and tai trained you well.

Y/n: You and tai didn't do shit. I was traind by alex mason.

Raven: No our parenting made you into the man you are today.

Y/n: No....your not my aunt. Summer isn't my mother either. Tai isn't my father. I had a father. His name was alex mason and you wont ever be the parent he was.

I walk through the portal with woods. We see that ravens portal took us to some sorta house. Yang knocks on the door and qrow opens it.

Qrow: Y-yang?

Yang: Hey....

Qrow looks at me. He starts to tear up with joy.

Qrow: y/n...

Y/n: you don't have the right to call me y/n. Call me section.

I walk inside of the house not even acknowledging qrow who was trying to speak to me. I head into a room and slam the door in his face. After that i lay down and fall asleep due to exhaustion.

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