prologue: Leaving a hell hole.

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A/n: sidenote summer is alive in this.

Flashback to when y/n was 12.

Y/ns pov

Taiyang: You freak!

I grunt in pain as tai punches me right in jaw knocking one of my teeth out. I fall to the ground as i hold my jaw.

Taiyang: Why did we even adopt you?! You just cause trouble!

Y/n: thats a good question tai why did you adopt me? Oh wait i remember now. It was because you felt empty due to raven leaving your sorry ass!

This pisses tai off even more he punches me right in the gut breaking 2 of my ribs. I grunt in pain and spit up blood. Just then ruby and yang come inside from a long day of playing with there friends and having fun. Ruby looks at me in disgust but yang gives me a different look. She gives me a look of sorrow. But i just look away from her. Tai then goes to punch me again but yang speaks up.

Yang: Hey dad cmon lets go play outside.

Taiyang: Not now yang i gotta teach this freak some manners.

Yang: Oh cmon dad he will be here when you get back. You can do it then.

Ruby: Yeah yangs right. Cmon lets go have fun!

Taiyang: Fine fine.

Taiyang stands up leaving me alone in a puddle of my own blood. He gets his boots on and walks outside so does ruby. But yang looks back at me. I slowly look up at her and she mouths the words im sorry to me. I give her a small smile reassuring her that i would be ok. Yang nods and heads outside to play with our so called father. So i just take a few minutes to lay there in a pool of my own blood. Eventually i pass out on the ground.

Timeskip 3 hours later.

Still y/ns pov

Im awoken from my slumber by a loud knocking at the door. I grunt in pain as it try to stand up. Eventually im able to stand up and limp over to the door. I open it to see 2 guys standing there with guns on there backs.

???: Hey kid are your parents home?

Y/n: No....there not.

I struggle to talk as i hold myself back from spitting up blood.

???: jesus woods look at him. He looks like shit.

I spit up blood and grunt as i hold my chest in then look at the guys.

Y/n: Thanks....for the compliment...

Woods: Heh i like this kid already.

Just then tai and the girls come back with ice cream. They see the 2 guys standing there and they quickly walk over to me.

Taiyang: Who the hell are you 2?

???: Ah you must be taiyang xiao long. Im alex mason and this is frank woods.

Woods: We were called here due to someone reporting domestic abuse in the area.

Taiyang: Well its not here so you can leave now.

Yang: Dad....i made the call.

Taiyang: Wait you did what yang?!

Yang: You heard me.

Taiyang: But why? We never abused anyone!

Yang: Try telling that to y/n.

Taiyang: Thats just me teaching him respect.

Mason: The kid has 2 broken ribs and a broken nose.

Taiyang: Ummm....he fell.

Woods: You.....make me sick!

Woods then punchs tai in the face sending him to the ground.

Taiyang: Agh shit!!!

Mason: Ok kid....cmon lets get you outta here.

I nod as mason takes my hand and leads me to his jeep. He puts me in the back. But just then taiyang yells one last remark.

Taiyang: My wife will be home in a week when she gets home shes gonna kick your ass!

Woods: Which one of your wives.

Mason chuckles and so do i. Woods starts to jeep and drives off leaving my old life behind as we are driving mason speaks up.

Mason: Im sorry you had to go through that.....i promise you that ill protect you from this day on. You will be my second son.

Y/n: Wait im gonna be your son?

Mason: Yup ill get all of the paperwork taken care of.

Y/n: Thank you...

Mason: No problem my boy.

I then gently drift off to sleep knowing that im gonna have a better life from here on out.

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