Chapter 4 Coming out of retirement.

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A/n: Ok so this chapter does a big timeskip to after the fall of beacon. Y/n retired and started to live a life of drinking and smoking cigarettes. So what happens when a certain blonde finds him along with woods and Hudson well lets find out.

Y/ns pov

1 year. Its been one year since mason passed. I was sitting in a bar just getting ready to start another night of drinking my problems away.

Y/n: Hey bartender can i get a shot of vodka?

The bartender pours me a glass of vodka and slides it over to me. I slam a few bucks down and down the shot in one gulp. I then set the shot glass down and motion for a refill. But as im getting my refill i feel someone tap me on the shoulder. I turn around to see junior himself along with the malachite twins.

Junior: Your y/n mason right?

Y/n: Yeah and your one of yangs old friends right?

Junior: Hell no i hated the blondes guts. Anyways thats besides the point i came here to offer you a job.

Y/n: And that job is?

Junior: Simple i want you to join my ranks and become one of my men.

I look at him and chuckle slowly.

Junior: Whats so funny?!

Y/n: You came in here asking a man who literally paralyzed summer rose herself to join your ranks and serve as one of your henchmen? Your really that dumb?

malachite twins: Hey i would watch how you treat our boss. Or we will reunite you with your dead father.

When i hear this i slam my shot glass on the bar counter and stand up. I slowly turn to face the junior and the twins as i look pissed.

Y/n: What did you say?

malachite twins: You heard us.

I nod slowly before quickly drawing my fathers pistol and shooting one of the twins through the leg. I then grab a beer bottle and smash it over the other twins head knocking her out. Junior draws his bat and goes to hit me with it but hes quickly stopped by a shot being fired into his gut. I turn around to see woods standing there with his pistol drawn.

Woods: Stay the hell away from my nephew....

Junior: You son of a bitch!

Junior rushes at woods but just then yang comes out from behind him and delivers a hard punch to juniors jaw with some sorta robotic arm.

Yang: No one hits my friends....

Y/n: Heh thanks for the assistance.

Grab my bag which has my m27 in it along with my hammer. But i haven't used them in so long that there pretty much there to collect dust.

Woods: No problem.

Yang: Your a hard man to find.

Y/n: Yeah i know. I did that on purpose.

Yang: Why?

Y/n: I failed to save my father....hes dead because i wasn't able stop summer.

Yang: Y/n....its not your fault. Its summers fault for taking the shot without making sure that mason was out of the way.

I slowly nod

Y/n: thanks then ill be going now.

I turn to walk off but she grabs my arm.

Yang: Thats another thing. We want you to come out of retirement.

Y/n: absolutely not.

Woods: Look y/n i loved him too. But hes gone. What would mason say if he could see you now? He would say to get off of your ass and help your team out.

I slowly nod knowing that woods is right.

Y/n: Thats true....but hes not here.

Yang: Then uphold his memory. Fight for what he stood for.

I slowly look at yang before giving her a nod.

Y/n: Fine....its not like i have much to lose if i die.

Yang smiles and pulls me into a hug. I gently hug her back.

Y/n: Now cmon we have a mission to do.

Yang nods as she motions for woods and i to follow. Eventually we get outside to where Hudson is waiting with the bullhead. I get on it and sit down. Yang sits next to me and smiles. I role my eyes as i start to clean my guns.

Yang: Next moms camp.

Y/n: Heh guess that means i can finally kill her.

Yang: No we need her to take us to ruby and qrow.

Y/n: Fine but after that im killing her.

Yang: Fine.

We start to fly off to ravens camp leaving junior and the twins knocked out.

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