Chapter 9 jail break

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A/n: This chapter takes place 2 weeks after the last chapter y/n and price have been taken to a special prison where they have been tortured by ruby and qrow. Let our story begin.

Y/ns pov

Pain that's all I felt. I was laying on the floor of my cell in a pool of my own blood. Price was laying against the wall all bloodied and beaten too. For the last 2 weeks ruby and qrow have been cutting us. Hell one time they even water boarded us. But we stayed strong through all of the torture.

Price: y/n....are you ok?

Y/n: are your wounds?

Price: they hurt.....alot your a trooper my friend. Just like your dad.

Y/n: heh...thanks price.

Just then ruby and qrow walk into the room. Ruby is holding her scythe.

Ruby: get up!

Ruby kicks me hard in the face making me spit up blood qrow then grabs price and slams his head into the ground.

Qrow: aww what's wrong did that hurt? Good.

Price: When we get outta here. And I promise you we will. Im gonna hunt you down and kill you.

Qrow punches price in the face before cutting him across the chest with his sword.

Qrow: heh. No ones coming for you. Face it you 2. You lost salem won.

Price looks at me and I look back at him. Just then some alarms start to go off. We both start to laugh.

Ruby: what...? Whats so funny?!

Y/n: they finally found us. You see before you betrayed us i had a bug planted in my arm. When you captured us it activated and now. My team finally caught up to you.

Ruby: your bluffing!

I smirk as I show ruby the scar where I got the bug implanted into my arm.

Y/n: checkmate.

Just then the wall is blown in. Soap and ghost run into the room. They start to open fire on ruby and qrow. But they dodge the bullets and run outta the room.

Soap: jesus christ! Guys in here in here! Help I need a medic!

The others run into the room. Yang and ghost grab me and hoist my arms over them soap and blake do the same for price.

Yang: Stay with me y/n please. Its gonna be ok your safe now!

She quickly carrys me. The team follows close behind. But as there moving some of Menendezs men come out. They start to open fire on the team. Ghost and soap start to open fire on the men. Yang and blake join in meanwhile woods and hudson get me and price behind cover. They start to patch us up.

Hudson: jesus christ. You guys look like hell.

Y/n: nice to see you too hudson.

Hudson and woods start to provide cover fire. But just then I see one of Menendez men sneaking up on us. I groan in pain as I grab woods pistol. I then aim it at the guy and shoot him in the head. Woods looks back.

Woods: jesus kid. Even when your hurt your still saving my ass.

Y/n: its my job uncle woods.

Woods smiles as he takes the pistol from me he puts it in his holster before helping me to my feet hudson supports my other arm as the others grab price. We start to move through the prison until we get to the extraction point. A helicopter lands and my team puts price inside. They do the same for me. But as we are about to take off soap is shot in the leg. I look over only to see ruby standing there with her sniper I quickly grab a grenade from hudsons belt and pull the pin. I throw it at ruby blowing her back. The helicopter takes off.

Woods: Thank God your ok kid!

Woods pulls me into a tight hug. I smile as i pat my uncle back. The next person to hug me was yang.

Yang: I was so scared!

Y/n: Its right here.

I hug yang back as I start to shush her. I rub her head slowly as I sigh.

Y/n: im safe its ok.

The others join in on the hug as we fly off twords atlas to get proper medical treatment.

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