Chapter 2 Old wounds

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A/n: This chapter take place 2 weeks after the last chapter.

Y/ns pov

I was sitting in my room training with my punching bag when all of the sudden my father walks into the room.

Mason: Son we have a mission.

Y/n: Whats the mission?

Mason: Roman torchwick has been found recovering in a nearby white fang outpost. We are to take out roman along with some of ozpins best huntsmen by our side.

Y/n: Ugh ozpins lackys are coming with us

Mason: Yup get your gear we leave in an hour.

I nod as i head over my closet and take out my m27 and my hamr. I put my armor on and i put my pistol in its holster. I then head out to where mason and woods are only to see team rwby standing there along with another group of people who i never wanted to see again. Team strq. Mason and woods look over at me only to see me slowly drawing my pistol.

Ironwood: Ah gentleman i would like you to meet team rwby and team strq. Team rwby and strq meet y/n xiao long alex mason and frank woods.

Taiyang: Wait....did you say y/n xiao long?

Ironwood: Yes....this is your long lost son.

Summer: y/n....its me...your mother.

I glare through my helmet as i take it off slowly to show my black hair and green eyes.

Y/n: dont ever call me by that name. My name is y/n mason. Not xiao long do i make myself clear?

Yang: Look we are sorry for how we treated you. So please forgive us.

Yang starts to move twords me to give me a hug. But mason moves in front of me and points a gun at her head.

Mason: Thats enough. You wont lay a hand on my son.

Taiyang: Excuse me your son?! You mean my son!

Mason: actually no hes my son. I took him in and raised him as mine. Hell he even agreed to legally change his last name to mason.

Summer: How dare you! I should kill you here and now!

Summer goes to draw her scythe but i quickly fire a shot near her foot making her put her hands up.

Y/n: You wont be doing anything to my father. Now lets take care of this mission so i can get back to my life.

Ironwood: im so confused why does y/n hate you guys so much? This was supposed to be a happy moment.

Woods: Oh didn't y/n tell you? The xiao longs abused him since the day he was adopted. So when y/n left with mason he was broken to the point that if mason or i even raised our hands he would flinch.

Ironwood: Wait they did what?!

Ironwood looks pissed.

Summer: Look James i know how this looks but we wont do it ag-

Ironwood: Oh i know you wont do it again. Because after this mission you 6 will be banned from ever returning to atles!

Ruby: But theres 8 of us.

Ironwood: I never said weiss and blake couldn't come i said the xiao long family couldn't come.

Weiss/blake: Sounds fair.

Ruby: But hes our brother!!

Ironwood: No hes not. The way i see it his last name is now mason and your not even blood. So if anything this makes it easier for me to say that your not family. Now then you 8 will do this mission and then after it you 6 will leave atles and never return. Do i make myself clear?!

Strq+ yang and ruby: Yes sir...

Ironwood: Good now then all of you are to follow y/ns orders.

Y/n: I wont let you down sir.

I motion for woods and mason and Hudson to follow me. Team strq and team rwby follow behind us. We get on the bullhead and i take out my guns and start to clean them. But ruby sits next to me and trys to strike up a conversation.

Ruby: Those are so pretty cool weapons.

I stay silent as i keep cleaning my guns.

Ruby: Cmon you cant ignore us forever you know.

I still stay silent. Ruby goes to touch my hand but woods stands up and grabs her hand. He twists it and throws her into a wall.

Woods: Stay the hell away from my nephew.

Qrow: Woah woah the uncle department is already taken old man!

Woods: Oh yeah sure. If you can call beating a kid to the point where he can barely breath something an uncle would do.

Qrow goes silent as he sits back down. But just then raven speaks up.

Raven: Dont you dare talk to my brother that way!

Mason: Then tell your family to keep there hands to themselves!

Raven: y/n is an xiao long and he always will be!

Raven starts to walk over to me but mason draws his m16 from his back and points it at raven. She starts to draw her sword so i quickly stand up and draw my m27. Woods draws his shotgun and Hudson draws his 3 round bursts rifle.

Mason: Last chance....stay the hell away from my son.

Raven tightens her grip on her sword but she slowly puts it away. She then sits down defeated.

Y/n: Now then listen up. We need to work as a unit until this missions over. So if mrs branwen would keep her temper under control we wouldn't have any problems.

Raven: Its aunt rav-

Y/n: No im pretty sure its mrs branwen.

Just then the bullhead lands and me and my team get off of it. We look around to see that we are surrounded by a swamp and marshlands. I smirk and motion for woods and the others to follow me. We eventually find the camp where roman is recuperating. I motion for woods to get up in the trees with his sniper. He nods and i motion for mason to trade me guns. He nods and throws me his sniper and i throw him my hamr.

Yang: So whats the plain?

Y/n: Simple mason is gonna lead you guys in there while me and woods stay back here and cover your backs.

Summer: Got it.

Mason leads the others into the white fang base and they start to take out the grunts. I aim my sights at a white fang grunt and shoot him through the head. Woods takes out another white fang grunt that was running at Hudson. But as the fighting is happening i use my scope to look at where mason was. Only to see neo rushing at him. Hudson yells for mason to move but its to late. Summer doesn't notice that masons there and she takes the shot. She fires it right through masons head by mistake. My eyes widen as i scream out for my father.

Y/n: DAD!!!

a/n: A cliff hanger whats gonna happen next find out next time.

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