Chapter 3 grief

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A/n: This chapter takes place right after the last chapter. Let our story begin.

Y/ns pov

I watch through my scope as masons lifeless body falls to the ground. Team rwby and the rest of team strq look at summer in shock. Tears slowly run down my face as i aim masons sniper at summer and pull the trigger. The bullet goes right through summers chest and right through her spine. I quickly jump down from the tree i was positioned in and draw my combat knife. I start to run twords the camp. But as im running a few white fang grunts try to stop me. One grunt starts to open fire on me with his gun but i dodge the bullets and throw my combat knife right into his skull killing him. I then pull the knife out of his head and use it to stab another white fang grunt through the heart killing him. I then keep on running to where masons body is. But again the white fang try to stop me. One of the grunts get on a turret and open fire on me. But i dont even flinch as i keep running twords him just dodging each and every bullet that he shoots at me. Once im close enough i quickly slit his throat making his blood splatter on my face. But i dont care i just keep running twords mason but one more thing stands in my way. Ruby rose is looking at me with tears in her eyes. Shes pissed off because i just shot her mother. She goes to shoot me but i quickly knock her scythe out of her hand before deliver a hard punch to her jaw. This sends her to the ground knocked out cold. Finally after dealing with all of those obstacles i finally get to masons body. I stop running and fall on my knees as i hold him in my arms. I start to cry out in anger and in sadness. Just then i feel an arm on my shoulder its hudson.

Hudson: Is he gone....

I dont say anything as i nod slowly

Hudson: He was a good man y/n...and an even better father. He loved you with all of his heart.

Y/n: I know.....but why did he have to die like this. Why did he have to die by her hands?

Hudson: I dont know.....maybe it was an accident.

Y/n: I dont care if it was an accident...she said that abusing me was an accident. Shes been given way to many chances...

Hudson: I understand...

Just then woods finally arrives to where me and hudson are. He looks pissed as he looks over to where summer is laying. Taiyang and qrow were patching her bullet wound up. Woods stands up slowly and draws his shotgun he looks pissed. Taiyang can see this and he stands up amd gets ready to defend summer. I also stand up and wipe the tears from my eyes. The sadness from my eyes is replaced with rage and anger.

Taiyang: Son....i

I dont say a word as i rush twords summers unconcious body with my combat knife in hand. But yang pushes me to the ground. I stand up and get into my fighting stance as i glare at yang.

Yang: She didn't mean to kill him.

Y/n: Last chance xiao long. You never abused me so i dont wanna hurt you. Step aside.

Yang: No....i wont let you kill your mother.

Y/n: Shes not my mother!

I run at yang and she gets into her fighting stance. I quickly slide under yangs legs and go to stab summer but hudson stops me.

Hudson: No....i know yoy want revenge but her being paralyzed for the rest of her life is way better then her being dead. She will have to live the rest of her life without her legs.

Y/n: Your right.....lets go home

We all head back to atles with masons body too. Once there we have a funeral and morn the fall of a great hero.

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