Chapter 6 Shattered bonds

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A/n: This chapter picks up right after the last chapter let our story begin.

Y/ns pov

I slowly open my eyes to the sound of birds chirping. I sit up and yawn as i realize that i fell asleep after all of the bullshit that went down yesterday. So i get out of bed and put on a clean pair of clothes. After that i leave the room only to see ruby and qrow talking with yang.

Yang: Look im telling you y/n wont forgive you. Hell he hasn't even forgave me yet. The only reason hes here is because woods and hudson are here. If they weren't here he would be long gone.

Ruby: Cmon sis theres gotta be a way to get him to forgive us.

Yang: Im sorry....but im afraid theres no way thats gonna happen.

Qrow: Hes gonna forgive us whether he likes it or not.

My fists tighten as i walk out from where im listening so the 3 of them can see me.

Y/n: Your wrong qrow. You cant abuse me or tell me what to do anymore qrow. None of you can.

Qrow: But we're your family.

Y/n: How many times do i have to tell you. Your not my family and you never will be.w

Ruby: But bro-

I glare at ruby.

Y/n: Dont even think about finishing that sentence rose. Your not my sister. Neither is yang.

Qrow: Thats enough i wont tolerate this dis-

I cut qrow off by punching him right in the jaw. This shocks ruby. Yang just stands off to the side not wanting to push her luck with me. Qrow holds his nose in pain as blood runs down it.

Qrow: y-y-you punched me...

Y/n: Yeah i did. Get used to it.

Qrow: You little....

Y/n: Thats the thing qrow. You do realize that what your feeling right now is what i felt while living with you guys. Right?

Qrows eyes widen as he realizes that the pain hes feeling is what y/n had to go through on a daily basis.

Y/n: Yeah....thats what i thought. Your no better then cinder or the white fang. The difference is that you tormented a single kid. They tormented 100s of people. So think about that the next time you feel like punching me.

Tears slowly run down qrows face as he looks at me. I scoff as i walk past him and ruby. Yang follows behind me.

Yang: Are you ok?

Y/n: Ill be fine..

Yang: dont hate me?

Y/n: I dont like or forgive you. But i dont hate you as much as i hate qrow or ruby.

Yang: So your pretty much neutral twords me?

Y/n: Its more like i tolerate you.

I walk away from yang heading over to where woods and hudson are waiting. I smirk at them and they give me a nod.

Hudson: So how did it go with the family?

Y/n: How do you think?

Hudson: Terrible?

Y/n: No shit also dont call them my family.

Woods: Meh it doesn't matter you got us. Now then lets get started with our drills.

Y/n: Got it.

I draw my m27 and i start to shoot at a few target dummys. As im doing this i hear someone walking down to us. I turn around to see yang standing there.

Yang: Hey y/n.

Y/n: What do you need?

Yang: Simple i was wondering if we could spar

Y/n: fuck it why not.

Yang smirks as she gets into her fighting stance. I also get into my stance. She then runs at me and trys to punch me. But i dodge it and grab her robotic arm and flip her on her back. I then draw my pistol and aim it at her head.

Y/n: If you were one of salems forces you would  be dead.

Yang: Please dont remind me.

I crack a small smirk before turning to walk off.

Yang: Wait lets go another round.

Y/n: Fine. One more round

Yang smirks as we both rush twords eachother. Lets just say that the rest of the day was filled with yang being knocked on her ass over and over.

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