Chapter 7: New friends

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A/n: this chapter takes place 1 month after the last chapter let our story begin

Y/ns pov

I was sitting on top of a vantage point with a sniper at the ready. A car was supposed to be pulling up soon with Adam tarus in it. Adam has been a pain in our side for a few months now as I was sitting there i hear woods radio in to me.

Woods: jesus christ y/n why did you stick me with ruby? She's so annoying.

Ruby: hey! I can hear you!

Y/n: We all need to cover vantage points i know rubys annoying but I bet Hudson has it worse. He got stuck with qrow.

Just then Hudson raidos in.

Hudson: please kill me.

Qrow: oh cmon I'm not that bad!

Hudson: your right your worse! Also put the god damn boos away!

Qrow: Awww cmon.

Hudson: hang on y/n. Qrow I sware to god I will kill you!

Qrow: noooo!

The radio goes silent i start to speak with woods.

Y/n: jesus christ.

Woods: I know right. Hang on we got movement. Adam tarus is coming down the road.

Y/n: copy that. Wait for my signal.

Woods: got it.

Hudson: copy.

I aim my sniper at adams head he stops and gets outta the jeep. I quickly fire a shot hitting him right in the head. Adam falls over dead as the other teams move in and shoot the rest of his men dead. I quickly move in with my team which consists of blake weiss and yang. We meet up with woods and hudsons team.

Hudson: ok lets see. Everyone's here. Tarus is dead.

Y/n: wait....somethings wrong...

Just then a bunch of white fang grunts surround us. Out walks a man who woods knows very well.

Menendez: Hello woods. Hudson...


I quickly grab woods to stop him from shooting him.

Y/n: No! If you do that then we are all dead.

Menendez: Listen to your friend woods. We wouldn't want you to end up like Mason now would we.

Y/n: don't ever speak about my father that way.

Woods: mason was a brother and I sware on his death we will kill you and bring salem down.

Menendez: Oh yeah? What are you gonna do? We have 100s of guns aimed at you.

Y/n: that may be true....but i may have called in some backup.

Just then 2 jets fly in bombing Menendezs men. Y/n and his team duck for cover as they watch Menendezs men burn.

Woods: wait who the hell did you call y/n?

Y/n: you'll see.

Just then 2 helicopters fly in and my back up drops in.

Captain price: suprise mother fuckers!

Task force 141 starts to open fire on Menendezs men. The rest of our team run out from our cover and help the team return fire.

Yang: who the hell are these guys?!

Y/n: Some of my friends now shut up and keep shooting!

Yang: got it!

We keep opening fire on Menendezs team as his men start to retreat Menendez trys to run only for captain price to grab him by the neck and shoot him through the head.

Price: gotcha ya fucken basterd.

Menendez: Put me down you son of a bitch!

Soap: yeah yeah burn in hell!

Soap shoots Menendez in the head. Price drops his body and walks over to us. I smile as I pull him into a bro hug.

Y/n: captain fucken price. How are ya doin mate?

Price: im good y/n im good. How's Mason?

Y/n: masons...not with us anymore.

Price: im so sorry to hear that. He was a good man...

Woods: yeah he was.

Soap: woods! My man!

Soap and woods hugs. Leo smiles as yang and team rwby with qrow.

Price: who are they?

Y/n: some fuckers.

Price: oh and whys that?

Y/n: remember when I told you that my family abused me. Well there that family. Atleast ruby yang and qrow are.

Price lights a cigare he growls as he walks up to qrow and punches him hard in the face.

Price: You son of a bitch!

Woods and soap hold price back.

Woods: No. Don't y/n already got payback for this he shot rubys mother and paralyzed her.

Price: why did he do that?

Y/n: summer rose killed Mason.

This pisses price off more as he trys to punch qrow again.

Price: You fucker!!

Price is pissed 141 hold him back as they glare at qrow and team rwby.

Y/n: fucken hell. Anyways price so you and your team are here to stay right? We could really use our brothers with us.

Price: hell yeah mate especially if you have to deal with these guys.

Soap and ghost start to search Menendez and his men for information.

Soap: guys we got something.

Y/n: what is it?

Soap: I just discovered salems plain. She's plaining on creating dust nukes she needed Menendezs fake eye. It has the code. To the nukes in it.

I look at Menendez and grab his face i take out some tweezers and I rip his fake eye out.

Y/n: got the code lets move.

Price and my team nod as i lead them to the extraction point.

A/n: yea our boys are up in this im leaving it on a cliffhanger so yeah love you guys

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