Chapter 1 Special forces

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A/n: Timeskip to when y/ns 18 the story starts up durring season 1s finale. Let our story begin.

Y/ns pov

I was training in hand to hand combat with my father when all of the sudden mason got a call on his scroll.

Mason: Take 5 i gotta take this.

I nod and sit down on a bench. As im sitting there i grab my water and take a sip of it. But just then mason turns to me.

Mason: y/n we have a mission. Get ready.

Y/n: Oh really? Whos it from?

Mason: general ironwood. He said that some civilians have spotted a group of white fang grunts holding some sorta initiation ceremony. He wants us to stop it.

Y/n: Ill get ready.

Mason: Good ill go get woods and Hudson.

I nod and head off to grab my guns and my armor. I suit up and meet up with my father and the others. Once there we all get onto a bullhead and fly off to the location.

Timeskip 2 hours later.

Still y/ns pov

We finally got there and ironwood was right. There was some sorta white fang intention ceremony going on. So me and my team do what we do best. We throw a few ropes down and rapple down to the ground. Once there i draw my m27 and sneak through the brush and tall grass with woods following behind me. Mason and Hudson were up in the trees with there sniper rifles just waiting for me and woods to give the signal. Eventually me and woods get to a good spot to start our assault. So i motions for Hudson and mason to open fire. Just as we gave the signal mason fires a shot at roman hitting him right in the gut.

Roman: aaaaaahhhhh!!! Fuck!!! Someone help me!

Y/n: now woods!

Me and woods quickly run out of the forest and open fire on the white fang grunts. I shoot 2 grunts through the head before hitting another grunt with the blunt end of my gun. I then duck behind cover as the white fang grunts start to deliver counter fire. But mason handels it by taking out the 2 grunts who were shooting at me and woods cover. I smirk and jump out from my cover and shoot 2 more grunts in the chest. But just then one of the grunts kicks my m27 outta my hand he then delivers a hard punch to my jaw. This sends me to the ground. The grunt waist no time has he starts to strangle me. But little does he know that ive used my free hand to grab my pistol. I fire 2 shots into his gut before firing another one into his head.

Y/n: Ugh....son of a bitch...

Just then i see a monkey boy and a cat girl fighting against some white fang grunts. But just then roman stands up still holding his gut from where mason shot him. He grabs his cane and fires a shot at the 2. But they dodge it. I take this chance to open fire on roman but his assistant neo drops down and blocks ths shots with her parasol.

Cat lady: Sun lets take him down now!

They both rush neo and roman but neo easily knocks them back. She then puts her parasol to the cat girls neck. But i quickly fire 2 shots at neo making her lose focus on the girl and block both shots. Mason takes another shot at neo with his sniper. The bullet hits neos leg sending her to the ground but she uses her semblance to get away with roman.

Woods: Shit! Section do you have eyes on the target?

Y/n: negative. Roman got away.

I look at the 2 faunus who tried to attack him. I give them a glare signifying that they fucked up bad.

Cat girl: Who are you guys?

Y/n: Shut up! Its your fault roman got away!

Cat girl: Me?! How is it my fault me and sun were trying to take him down but you guys just had to launch your attack!

Y/n: Im sorry whats your name again?

Cat girl: Blake belladonna!

Y/n: Lemme check my records. Hmmm last time i checked you were a huntress in training. Key word in training! You rushed in blinded by your rage.

Woods: That is true. Our plain would have worked if you 2 hadn't rushed roman.

Blake: What do you know! Your just some mercenarys.

Y/n: Actually we are part of a special task force that works for atles. So by law we can do this.

I handcuff blake and woods cuffs sun.

Blake: Hey whats the big idea!!!

Y/n: Blake belladonna you are under arrest for interfering with a government operation and for trying to be a huntress without a proper license. We will be reporting your little mission to ozpin.

Blake: Thats not fair!!

Y/n: Life aint fair.

Me and woods walk blake and sun back to our bullhead and we meet hudson and mason who are already inside of the bullhead. Once on board we fly blake and sun back to beacon and storm into ozpins office.

Ozpin: What is the meaning of this?!

Y/n: My apologies we are the special untit that ironwood deployed to take care of that white fang gathering.

Ozpin: Ah so why is one of my students handcuffed?

Y/n: She was found trying to operate without a license for being a huntress. So we brought her back here.

Ozpin: Ah my apologies. Anyways i will see to it that mrs. Belladonna is punished.

Blake: But ozpin i was only try-

Ozpin cuts blake off

Ozpin: Enough you have messed up quite a bit tonight you just need to stay quiet.

Blake nods slowly and ozpin turns back to me.

Ozpin: Im sorry for my students behavior she will be receiving a month long detention.

Mason: Understood. Anyways we should be on our way. Me and my son y/n here have to train more.

Ozpin: Got it ill put in a good word for you guys.

We nod and walk outta the room but as we are walking we pass by 3 other girls. I bump into the blonde girl by mistake.

Blonde: Oh my gosh im so sorry.

Y/n: Its fine mrs now we must be going.

Me and my team walk off but as we are leaving i cant help but think that the blonde haird girl looked familiar.

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