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The boys of one direction while on tour. They stressed and Depressed after Zayn left . Harry becomes quiet and cries. Niall just stops laughing and falls Sick. Louis is just upset, angry and still is dealing with a broken heart. And Liam just is overwhelmed and stressed. They are relearning every song and choreograph for the tour. As well recording a new Album. They all end up sick. Added 6-27-15

Louis ends up stressed and can not sleep and a broken heart while on tour. After he broke with his longtime girlfriend. He ends up very sick in the somewhere in Asia. Added 6-27-15

Niall wakes up on tour feeling extreme exhaustion. He lets us go a couple days knowing that there's not much you can do . But as it progresses it first turns into a cold , then bronchitis , and eventually pneumonia then scarlet fever. Then he decided to get checked out but ends up having to go back to London and then Ireland for three months to get better . Added 6-27 - 15

Harry received a call while on tour. From his mom that his sister has Cancer. Added 6-27-15

Louis twin sisters get sick with tuberculosis while the boy are on tour. Added 6-2 7-15

Niall feels ill but has to put up with it for a while. He is too busy to deal with being sick. Then when he does get help he has a bladder and kidney and a urinary track infection as well as the flu. He still can not get time to get better. Until he really bad. And he has a reaction to the medication he's taking to become better. Added 6-27-15

Harry is in the USA on tour when the weather triggers a massive allergy breakdown . He's been here during the spring a really bad Pollen explosion( for those who are not from here this really did happen this year ) He ends of having a severe sinus infection double ear infection and several severe Asthma attacks and migraines and strep throat. They are on Tour in the middle of nowhere. When he runs out of all asthma medication. He ends up having to use Niall's. And trying to find a hospital close by. When the bus breaks down in the middle of the night. Added 6-27-15

Liam stomach is acting up lately and he does not know why. He way to busy to really take care of this. With Zayn leaving the band, for boys have been extremely busy. A few weeks pass by and Liam begging getting back pain where his Kidneys are. He take meds to stop what he thinks is a Beginning of a kidney infection. It clears up some what and Liam thinks nothing of it. He has not told his Girlfriend or the guys or anyone about this problem. Then in the middle of the second half of WHERE WE ARE TOUR. The pains come back worse then before. It turns out he has chronic pancreatitis( I've found this on Such a wonderful website for researching medical issues. I encourage everyone to check this site out ) added 6-28 - 15

Niall Horan has a inflammation that he doesn't know he has called diverticulitis . (someone needs to research this). Which is something that really doesn't have any symptoms just comes on really suddenly . While on Tour he begins to have extremely horrible cramps in her lower abdomen , ALT alternating between diarrhea and constipation , fever and chills are the symptoms . Added 6-28-15

Niall Horan develops whooping cough while on tour and passes it on to the rest of the boys . Added 6-28-15

Harry wakes up while on tour with a small headache that turns in to a really bad sinus headache . Which turns in to a really bad sinus infection with a fever of 103. 9. No meds work, Which ends up with having to have his sinuses drain and scraped, ear tubes put in his ears and found out he has pneumonia which is turning into scarlet fever . added 6-28-15

While on tour Liam wakes up with a stomachache, headache on and off a few months now.but really has no choice but to go though with everything. The have months booked solid with interviews, photo shoots, rehearsals radio talk shows, late night talk shows. As well traveling and of course shows every night. With no break for a while.

They are in Usa and no time to get Liam or the others get to rest. As a month goes by Liam is so exhausted and overwhelmed, too busy to really rest. Because their new Album is being released in Three weeks, Their new music video coming out, they have 3 new perfumes coming out as well as a new DVD and book coming out. One day he so tired and feels sick. He was trying to sit down on the bus but ends up feeling dizzy and weak and ends up falling off his bunk while trying to get in the top bunk, ends up hurting and bruising His back and kidneys. He lays down in the back room to rest. and ends up having to be rushed to the hospital to have surgery. Added 6-29-15

Niall falls Sick right before going on the LATE LATE NIGHT SHOW WITH JAMES CORDON. But still goes thought with the show.Added 6-29-15

The boys are back from a show so tired and all not feeling well. And they have days of traveling across the USA from California to Montreal Canada. And no time to stop for help. (you may pick what they have but they are each to be sick with something different) added 6-29-15

Louie wakes up on Tour with Shingles Added 7-2-15

Harry ends up with the Measles Added 7-2-15

Niall develops multiple personality disorder 7-2-15

Liam wakes up with Intestinal obstruction while on tour Added 7-2-15

Niall wakes up with really bad case Cyclic Vomiting syndrome on tour. And is stuck in bed/bus for a month.( I found out about this from the symptoms checker on 7-2-15

The real reason that Zayn really left is he has Thoat Cancer. And the treatment he needs he has to go to America for a year. Added 7-3-15

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