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Harry has been in so much pain lately he wakes up every morning struggling to get out of bed in on tour the pain is just getting worse he seriously just wants to break down and cry the pain so bad . As time goes on every one is getting very worried Jay has even came by to visit Louis on tour as well as to see what's going on it's hard to say. Not a few months later he has a diagnosis it turns out to be fibromyalgia. And he has to learn how he can still perform and be active. But there are days when he has really bad flare up...... Added 7-26-15

During a tour Liam started having a lot of trouble sleeping . He goes through a tour hardly sleeping at all it turned out he has the beginning of insomnia he begins to stress he's tired he's not feeling well and he doesn't know what to do time goes on he did he feel sicker and sicker until his mother Steps in and forces him to get tested... Added 7-26-15

Niall started having sheer pain in his left leg . It's been a while since he had surgery on that leg but lately he has been feeling very fatigued he has many other symptoms that goes on for a while he's too busy to get checked out because of being on tour there's not much you can do that night he just he ends up doing this crazy dance on stage lands on his leg wrong and gets stress fracture in his knee has the doctor was taking control of the situation he notices that there is a small hole in his knee. As the doctor and the running test it turned out to be bone cancer....... Added 7-26-15

Louis has been feeling really tired and stressed fine asleep at any moment anytime of the day . And being on tour that is not the smartest thing to do . He is fun to sleep during concerts during his solos while he saying . He's been fallen, tripping not doing too wel. It is hard for everyone to watch the struggle with not sleeping being awake at weird times .then there's been on tour not getting a lot of sleep anyway running around using a lot of energy not able to get much rest .it ends up with Louis getting sick over and over again. eventually he is diagnosed with narcolepsy..... Added 7-26-15

Harry is on a boat with his bandmates and their girlfriends. They were all camping fora last time together. Before the boys of One Direction leave to go on a big world tour. They are on the ocean fishing for dinner tonight when the cook them for supper. Harry is having too much fun to realize he did not being sunblock. But neither did the other guys. It was hot but cloudy for most of the day. Until latter that night. While they were all camping with Perrie and Zayn. Harry felt sick during the night. He ended up with heat stroke and Sun poisoning. In the morning Liam and Sophia both took him back to the mainland and to the hospital for treatment... Added 7-27-15

Liam wakes up realizing that he is feeling off , he realizes his throat hurts just a bit. Liam knows there is just no time today to be sick . He he goes and does what he needs to do to get ready for the day then he goes around and wakes up the other guys making sure that they're completely ready for the day after all it is a really early morning wake-up call they have to be at a real interview but for in the morning . Then they have a photo shoot end and a few short meeting. Then they go and get ready for rehearsal and the show . As he goes downstairs for breakfast in the hotel room his stomach tells him he's not hungry. So plays it off as he is just really tired. As the day went on Liam felt worse and worse his head started to hurt and his stomach was nauseous. And after the show his throat felt raw. So he went to bed. He hope that he would be better morning but he spent all night tossing and turning in his bunk on the bus which is make which makes him more nauseous. He end up sleeping. Off and on through morning.then the next morning. The other three boys wake up sick as well now I still have no time to get treatment they have places to be in a few days later it turns out that it was strep throat and it was turning into scarlet fever and laryngitis .... Added 7-27-15

Harry wakes up to a severe case of strep throat early one morning ...... Added 7-27-15

Louis is acting like himself but in fact is extremely sick his throat is horribly painful his stomachs upset is a painful headache and he just wants to go to sleep .but the new one direction there's no time when you're on tour for yourself got he was sitting in this very important executive meeting when he got sick everywhere his throat is burning and he just breaks down crying it turns out strep throat is the cause ... Added 7-27-15

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