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-Louis has been really tired lately, He has not been up to par. He has little to no energy he runs out of breath a lot. Now that he is on tour, it hard for him to hide it from fans the Boys but especially his mother. Then he collapsed on stage in the middle of a show. While his mom visiting him in the USA. They end up taking him to the Hospital. They end up having to run a lots of tests. While this was happening the boys end up sick and worried while waiting to find out what is wrong with their brother ....... Added 7-7-15

-Liam has been really quite as of lately, because he has not shared with anyone. He and Sophie had a huge fight the day before he leaves for tour. Sophie ends up breaking up with him because she could not handle his fame any longer. Liam decided to just hold his emotions in and to express nothing. Then six weeks in to tour Liam just cracked he has been very pale withdrawn and Extremely emotional and depressed and tired of everything. But he realized he can act really well. Then 8 weeks in to the tour Simon gets news that Sophie is Pregnant with triplets. She does not want them and gives them to Liam to raise them himself. Now he is struggling to be in One Direction, learning to be a good Father as well be on Tour with three infants that are five weeks olds. He ends up wanting to do everything himself. The boys and his family have offered help. But Liam just too withdrawn and gets extremely sick....... Added 7-7-15

-Niall finds the girl of his dreams Nora Jade. They have been best friends since they were babies. Now they are madly in love and been dating since they were 13 years old, but because Niall in One Direction they are forced to hide their Relationship from the Fans. Then while on tour they end up Pregnant wit sextriplets. Simon realized that this was the real thing even he can not keep true love apart. He agrees that they should marry. They goes though the whole tour while pregnant. She n t Nora is due they are already In Ireland for the birth. Then something goes wrong and Nora dies. So Niall and the boys has six weeks off so he can take care of them and bond with them. Then it back on tour. So between him mourning his loss of his best friend and lover, being a single father and being Niall Horan of One Direction. It becomes way too much and he becomes very sick. That they are in the middle of the Australia tour for a few weeks so the boys mom's comes out to help niall..... Added 7-715

-Harry and his Girlfriend Emma Jane have been dating for three years now. One day on the bus she wakes up not feeling right. She feels really uncomfortable on the bus. She tries everything to get her self to calm dawn. As the day moves on. she begins to feel pain in her stomach. There was no way they can stop they are in Maine and going to The state of Washington/Oregon boarders for a show.some how the tools wrong turn and they are in Florida. Then during the early hours of the morning. The pain wakes her up she is screaming in so much pain. Harry is flipping out and so much. It turns out she Is pregnant and giving birth to sixtriplets. And did she did not Know. When the find out she is giving birth. It becomes to much for Harry. She ends up dying giving birth. Making Harry raise them on his own. Harry e n dad up withdrawn and because sick. Of course he is not handling everything well. Three months of touring raising the kids on his own(you can add your own or use some of the names I picked in other prompts). He ends up withdrawn and broken with Greving of Emma...... Added 7-7-15

-Ever since Louis and Eleanor broken up. Louis has not said much then in the middle of March. El text him to tell him he she pregnant with Twins. He still on tourShe does not want them. Because it will ruin her figure. Because she is a plus top model. So she gives them to him. Louis is devastated by the news But she ends dying while having major complications giving birth. Louis collapsed over the news of Eleanor not making it. He feels Gilty and Alone. Louis can be happy one minute and burst in tears the next. Some days he can not get out of bed. It makes the guys help with his family and Eleanor's family as well. to pull him from a deep Depression over time...... Added7-7-15

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