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Liam in the van very sick with a severe kidney and bladder infection and UTI. They are in the middle of nowhere and they are lost. Suddenly Liam wakes up vomiting all over himself... Added 1-23-16

Niall wakes up very stiff and sick with a high fever. Turns out he cannot move to get out of bed he is very weak with a headache and a awful stomachache ... Added 1-24-16

Harry and the boys of one direction are stuck in the van over night. They are all fast asleep for they are all tired and exhausted from traveling to the next destination in Italy. Their bush is in the repair shop getting fixed. It broke down in Spain and has to be towed back to England. The were given a van until it I'd ready. Harry ends up vomiting and has a severe bout of diarrhea in his sleep. He has not woke up for this. All though the night he been sick at both ends. In the morning the Boys were finally aware of the smell. They all knew history was not feeling well yesterday. They ask Paul if he noticed anything thought out the night. Louis explained that while they are asleep that Harry got sick at both ends. No Louis I had the windows down. Ok well we need a hotel room to get him better and clean him up. Harry wakes up not felling well at all. Then he vomiting all over again as well as explored from both ends. Ok Harry we will stop to clean up the mess... Added 1-24-16

Louis is stressed out she One Direction went on tour after his daughters and son were born. His wife Eleanor died giving birth to them. He end up very ill one night after saying good night to his 13 months old Jacob William Tomlinson. He was up all night sick when his two daughters and his sons woke up from Justin Louis Tomlinson woke up hungry. This caused Jamielynne Grace Tomlinson and Jaylynne Faith Tomlinson. He was in the middle of vomiting. This wakes up the other boys they run to help and find Louis sick in the bathroom... Added 1-24-16

Harry woke up sick to a headache so bad that he was not sure if he could get out of bed. His body hurt so much his head really hurts. His stomach feels so bloody nauseous. He has a high fever. He woke up not able to breath, He has a small seizure and a asthma attack at the same time. But he has to get to the studio quickly because it mandatory today. He takes a shower which did nothing for him. In fact it made him feel worse. His body is over sensitive. When he was ready he tried to eat something but it made his stomach worse. He left and was on the road by 11:25 am. He did not realize he left his phone wallet at home. He has the worst time driving today. His aura feels off he was dizzy and he felt so nauseous. Finally he made it to the studio he gets inside he goes to the room the boys are recording in. He walks I. The too extremely sweaty and pale. He goes at a down and falls asleep. For about Twenty minutes. Then he was asked to record. Not even ten minutes Harry is running out of breath and he begins panicking . He got and leaves the booth. Falls to his knees and vomits everywhere. Though out the day his migraine is getting worse. He has thrown up all day nonstop. The rest of the boys were extremely worried and not sure they could help. Fortunately Harry is prone to migraines as a child. Suddenly he has a fever very high. Their management team were becoming really worried. When he begins screaming and screeching in so much pain. They let him go home to rest at Niall's house. All though the night he was throwing up. In the morning he feels worse and feels very stiff. He was sent to the hospital when his fever was 104.9. Turns out he had all three kinds of meningitis. As a week goes on the other boys were breaking down and starting to have symptoms of meningitis. That is when the hospital had a meningitis outbreak... Added 1-29-16

Liam woke up late and feels sick like really sick to his Stomach, his head hurts badly and he so damn nauseous as hell. He knows he too sick to leave the house. But he has to be at the studio and his is very late. He gets ready then his stomach flew out of his mouth suddenly. When Liam is on the road he begin to have a bad coughing for. Which led to him vomiting everywhere and has a bout of Diarrhea. Liam laughing so heard and vomiting that he becomes dizzy. He ends up crashing into a semi and is severely injured. At the studio the other boys are are extremely worried. When all their phones were blowing up like crazy. Simon and Paul both ran in and told the boys to get in the van quickly. They were told what happened to Liam. When they got to the hospital. That is when all the chaos begins... Added 1-29-16

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