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The most common cold turns in to a nightmare for the boys of One Direction. Starting with Paul who picked it up from a fan. Then management started getting it. It escalated in to something worse and by the time One Direction get it. There is no time to recover. Management runs the boys so hard and are so strict about not recording the Eighth album. The boys get so sick that by the time they are finished rehearsal for the tour and left for the first show in Japan. The boys have no energy to get out of bed to do the show. They are lethargic and very sick... Added 10-14-15

Niall's life is wonderful at least when it comes to his Career choice. His personal life on the other hand is not. But is is at the same time it is wonderful until Niall just lost his wife Olivia... she is on tour with him with his triplets Daughters Ella Rose and Lily Sage and Emma Jane who were just born three days ago. On Niall's 25th Birthday. They have a son Jacob Robert who is 13 months old and a 2 year old twins Jaxton Gregory and Jackson William. He made a decision to come back on Tour right after her funeral. He also brought all the kids with him. How he going to raise six children under 5 on tour. He soon realized that he came back too soon. But he threw himself into raising the kids and his work. And only mourned for his wife at night while everyone is in bed with their wife's. All the boys are now Married with children. Zayn came back to the band only two years ago he is still with Perrie and they have Four children. The others are so worried about Niall because he is pushing himself away from them. When everything gets to be too much Niall has a breakdown. He gets sick but is pushing himself to do everything for his kids. When Management steps and makes the other boys sister's come on tour to look after Niall's children while he rests for a while. They ended up pushing the concert back just in till Niall is better. But when Niall ends up extremely sick and Depressed over everything. What going to stop Niall hitting rock bottom... Added 10-16-15

One to the boys were but by a mosquito in the hotel room in Mexico. The boys are sharing a pent sweet in the hotel room. By the next morning turns out that there was a mosquito nest in the hotel room.and all four the boys were bitten. Then 1 month later they fall really sick. With very odd symptoms. Turns out they all developed dengue fever and there is no cure yet. They just have to hope that their immunity will heal themself... Added 10-17-15

One of the boys feel not well he has a headache for weeks. His body is in so much pain. He ends up going to hospital. He was given a spinal tap test. When the text was given. He felt it' pressure as it gets the fluid in his spine and it pure pain on top of the pain he already feeling. When he is back in his room his whole body is in this excruciatIng pain threw out his body. He also had apart of .When the results came back clean. He was sent home with nothing to help him. He ends up staying in bed for days. When it gets too much he Mac's a Dr appointment with his family Dr. When he gets to the doctors office.Tests are done. But there is no answers to why. So When the Dr record the blood tests he find that it is a infection when his Dr ended up having to have apart of his skull removed. When the surgery is over they find a whole bunch of pus in his brain. When it is tested. They find out that it he cause of strep throat is bacteria known as Streptococcus pyogenes, also known as group A streptococcus. (Streptococcal bacteria are highly contagious. They can spread through airborne droplets when someone with the infection coughs or sneezes, or through shared food or drinks. You can also pick up the bacteria from a doorknob or other surface and transfer them to your nose, mouth or eyes.) and it in the brain. When Management noticed that the other three boys are getting the same symptoms as their band mate... Added 10-17-15

It's been known that One Direction has never cancelled a show. Until Liam unfortunately fell extremely sick. A half hour before the show. He has felt sick for a few days now. With his schedule being so demanding. With promoting a new album I that comes out in a few weeks now. But Liam is so severely sick. That he can not perform even if he tried. All day his stomach is feeling twist and he has a bad headache and a fever so high. That he is having hallucinations and can not keep even his spit down. He been losing his voice and is feeling dizzy. Just right before the show he is stuck in the bathroom coming non stop for a good 45 minutes now. He has major diarrhea and a half headache so bad that it is worse then a migraine. His back hurts so much that he think it is his Kidneys. His bladder first and so does his chest as well as his eardrums. He ends up passing out At the Hospital they run a ton load of tests and have not got any answers yet. Is Liam ok or not. Just when that think they get to the bottom of this. One by one other other three c one down with the same thing... Added 10-21-15

Harry is so sick on the day of their fifth album release. Harry collapse on stage while sing to a live crowd. He burning up and been vomiting all day. By the night of their party after the show. Harry is taken to th e hospital...10-21-15

Louis is struggling with a migraine so badly for a week now. That he been crying so much. He is beginning to mumbling about wanting is mama and Eleanor. Even though they have broken w/o for about 7 months now. Louis has started vomiting as well as diarrhea a few days now his stomach is hurting so bad that nothing is comforting. He is miserable and is cranky. When nothing is helping two weeks later Paul calls Management explains what going on after two weeks of canceling shows. They all agreed to send Louis to the hospital. Jay is called and she calls Anne to come watch the kids. She quickly gets a ticket and she and her two oldest girls come with her. Liam is trying to get a hold of Eleanor. Tests are done and Louis has developed a bacterial infection, along with meningitis. He has the flu and a stomach infection as well and on top of everything a chronic migraine... Added 10-21-15

Harry woke up to a stomach bug and to a very serious case of food poisoning. They are on the bus asleep for the night. What woke him up is extremely bad cramps in his gut system. His head is pounding and he is very dizzy and having difficulty breathing. After Harry has a accident from both ends. He tries to hold it until the get to a restaurant. But luck is just not on his side. He ends up marking a whole mess everywhere. The boys were so tired that they did no hear a thing. It was Paul that found Harry. He helps him to the bathroom and checks all the guys. Turns out they all have the same as Harry. Now they go to a hotel to get better. Which does not help. All five guys end up sick as well... Added 10-24-15

Harry does not know he is pregnant. He is about two weeks now. Harry and Louis are dating. But Management is done. Louis is forced to sign a new contract. It stated that he will break up with him. And not be around him unless it is for business purposes only. When the night came to take as break up. Harry ends up finding Louis in bed with Eleanor. Louis does love her too. Harry and Louis end up fighting. Harry becomes a broken shell of who he is. He became a fantastic actor on stage and with fans. But to Management, The Boys, and family. He said nothing to anyone. Until one day a few weeks later he is forced out of his protection shield he calls a home. No one has even seen him in 6 weeks. He not feeling great. He been sick the flu. He does not sleep or has he eaten much. Just enough to stay alive. His weight six becoming alarming. He got some into this meeting with ten notebooks of songs and lyrics. The just throws the stuff on the table. Sits in a very protective ball. He just staring in space. He pale and he has a high fever. Louis and the boys as well as management are so speechless. This meeting about the new Album. Zayn came back after 7 years. This is 15th album. Suddenly Harry gets up runs to the. Trash can an vomits. But as of right now management does nothing. They realize just how talented Harry truly is.with how deep he is writing. Management is impressed at this. He y knows it a mistake and still does nothing. The topics he is writing about are just amazing but they just find out that just how much he loves Louis. As a two weeks later s it I Paul nd Liam take Harry to the Dr. He still is throwing up a lot. He still so stressed and barely taking care of himself. When he get news he 6 weeks pregnant. That is the last straw for Harry. Liam texts Niall his boyfriend to keep him updated. Liam knows what management doing. He he can keep Louis away. They know Louis is acting. He plans on committing suicide in a few months. He just need to get everything together before. Louis is mad at everything. Harry is a mess sand that breaks Louis's heart more. When the time comes the spends a whole week with just the boys and all there families. Every on knows Harry is just five months pregnant well everyone but Louis with Quintuplets. He tasking care of himself. But he hiding it from Louis. The boys are basically keeping Harry together... Added 10-26-15

Niall is extremely sick and has been sick for a few weeks now. Nothing is helping him feel better. When he goes to the hospital while he on tour. He finds out it is a spinal infection as well so as his nerves are also infected. Turns out it is fibromyalgia...Aadded 10-26-15

Liam is heartbroken by recent events. He just broke up with his Girlfriend Sophia. Liam is devastating he has locked himself in his hotel crying hysterically. Louis and Zayn have been trying to talking to him a lot. Zayn even flew in to Scotland to help him out. After they get to Ireland Liam beginning to not feel so good . Then on the day of a show he could not get out of bed. But with the help of the boys he got ready. He is so exhausted and depressed right now. He wants his Mama and his Sister's. But as the day went on he develops a slight fever. By the time of the show well at least three h ours. He has been completely stuck in the bathroom. He sick at both ends and has a very nasty Fever and cough. He has the chills and a migraine so bad that he has passed out two minutes before the show... Added 10-27-15

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