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Niall is sick as a dog while traveling to the next city on the tour bus..... Added 8-6-15

Harry is sick as a dog while traveling to the next city on the tour bus.... Added 8-6-15

Liam is sick as a dog while traveling to the next city on the tour bus.... Added 8-6-15

Louis is sick as a dog while traveling to the next city on the tour bus.... Added 8-6-15

Harry is starting to hate himself , all the years of hate gets to him . One direction now have been a band for 15 years they are still going strong . They have now released 15 albums and another one on the way but his life is lonely as the rest of the boys found love but he's just been screwed over and over again girlfriend after girlfriend. They are all the same everyone makes his self-esteem has taken to Rockbottom . He's been drinking more but he still strong to control it healed he promised himself he will not be an alcoholic ever . He is never turning to drugs. now everything is too much to begins to get that it bulimic and that is becoming out of control here he hates himself so much he keeps thinking why can't people like me for me and who he is after I use the most kindest man alive always putting everyone first before himself and no one ever sees that he ends up crying himself to sleep every night he he is pulling away from the fans the band even his family all he can think is when using his time to be happy and to have his little Darcy . One morning he's on tour extremely depressed and watches the boys and their families all on tour with them . Since all the boys have kids now ... Added 8-6-15

Niall is starting to hate himself all the years of hate from the fans is getting to him one direction now is been a band port 15 years and are still going strong . They have now released 15 albums and another one on the way, but his life is lonely as the rest of the band 's found love and he's been screwed over and over again girlfriend after girlfriend it's all the same it makes his self-esteem hits rock-bottom he's been drinking more after all he's a Irish but he still can control it as he promised himself he would never turn to be an alcoholic ever is never picked up drugs and never will . now that everything is too much ,he is bulimic and is watching his figure. That part of his life is out of control. And he just hates himself. All that he keeps thinking how lonely he really is an event treats him so badly he ends up crying himself to sleep every night he becomes homesick wants to be done with the store and go home to Ireland . He is pulling away from the fans the band and his family one morning he's on tour extremely depressed as he watches the world go by for the guys who have their own families on tour with him . What Niall doesn't know that the boys of one direction and Zayn have been realizing just how much Niall is pulling away . They have been talking to his family trying to come up with the way to get Niall some help day they have set up a plan at the next concert to have the fans prove their love and to lift up his feelings they can't take Niall being so sad and depressed ... . Added 8-6-15.

Louis is sitting on the bus feeling sick to his stomach has been throwing up for days. He lonely and been thinking of Eleanor a year and a half later. he still completely in love with her is becoming very depressed he is not found another girl he loves . more than Eleanor. Ever since a year has passed he bee becoming bulimic as it out of control. As time goes on they release two more albums he acts happy but he's pulling himself away from his family his friends in the band hands up he ends up crying more than usual as the boys watch Louis struggling to move on they become very worried on how depressed Louis really is he's not as funny and he's more quiet and that is not him at all . The Boiter tried the boys have tried to find another girl for him he is turning to alcohol more and more but he won't touch any drugs that are harmful. One day on tour he is hit rock bottom he thinks he does not need to be alive dot as Louis been struggling with suicide he is not told anyone but this one day it was even worse the self-esteem was so low that he went home without telling anyone and he cried to his mother asking her for help truly means help . That that night he left a note saying mutually he explained everything mentally and physically he is not able to be on tour before he left in the middle of the night without telling anything one he called Simon explain he's been dealing with suicide and Simon agreed for his health to go home next morning Simon came To the boys everything . This has shocked Harry the most after all Louis is his best friend how was it that Harry Niall and Liam and Z have not noticed this but they have been picking up signs that he might have been so they canceled the rest of the store and flu to Doncaster. And went to Jay's house with Simon and Paul there to they discussed that he needs a break from one direction not a long one and he has agreed he will not leave the band at all he will not abandon his loyal fans Simon has set them up with the wonderful celebrity therapist New York will evaluate everything and the boys are going with him without their wives or children and will be there every step of the way they has dropped his solo career for a while he still a solo at but his friend life is more important than anything ... Added 8-6-15

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