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Louis is coming home from the tour. It finally over 2015 turned out to be not a great year. When he gets home to Mum's house. He just is really tired. But his Sister's are craving his Attention. It Lottie who realised he looks so tired and pale. She tells her mom and Jay sends the kids to the Kitchen. Then she gets Her Oldest in her arms and cuddles him. She realizes he Feeling warm and he breaks down crying As the week goes by. He feels worse and now is really sick and lands himself in the Hospital... Added 10-27-15 (I am really loving this one. So instead of writing the prompt three more time. Can this be done for each of the guys. As well as Zayn when he was in the band.)

The boys are going home. Now that the tour is complete. This year has put a lot of stress on all of them. They each go home to their parents. They are tired, emotional and are so homesick. They each feel just how long this year is. One of the boys goes home to a sick household. With his body drained he ends up even sicker then his family. They are only home for so long until they get back at it to promote their Fifth album. Then a years break. Then when all the boys fall sick they are just too warm down. When they go home each one of the boys just wants his Mother. He ends up crying at her cuddle. And because of the High fever... Added 10-27-15

Harry just pulls up to his beloved Mother's house. Harry is extremely exhausted And emotional. He has a Migraine and his stomach is killing him he also has a high fever. He just came home from the tour. He home for awhile. He see his Mama at the door. The tears begin to cloud up his vision. Standing a few feet is his Mom. As he steps out of the car he ends up Vomiting all over the inside of his car... Added 10-27-15

As Niall stepped down from the plane in Ireland. He tears up. He has not been home in several months. He feels so homesick as well as he is sick then he becomes nauseous his head is pounding his throat is throbbing and extremely painful. His Stomach is killing him and he I'd developing a high fever. He has not been feeling well at all. When he gets his stuff and finds his Mammy. He bursts into tears as he feels sick to his Stomach. As he is in the car his stomach flips as he is car sick. Greg is in the car when he sees Niall he noticed how pale he is. Good thing Theo is at home with his wife. Maura gets in the back with her youngest son. Niall really is sick so Greg took him to his mom's house instead. He ends up vomiting in his Hat...Added 10-27-15

Liam going home to his mom. The past few days have been really hard on him. This whole year had so many changes. From Zayn leaving to his girl breaking up with him. He is extremely exhausted and emotional, he is stressed and he is sick as well. His back been hurting him a lot. He is glad that this blasted tour is over. He is staying home at his parents for a long time. He has no need to be in London right now. As he sits and waits for his plane to take him home. He is not feeling well at all. He is Nauseous and extremely tired. He sits with Niall. Who is also sick he has meningitis and Flu. He is going home with Louis for now so that Jay can take care of him. Harry just was diagnosed with Mono and A bad case of the Flu. And Louis has the flu from hell. Liam begin to feel Sicker to his stomach.. Added 10-27-15

Niall wakes up in a surprising Horrible Miserable mood. He feels extremely cranky and is very cranky. He is just being quiet and does not talk. He thinks he about to get sick. It his way his body is warning him. He feels a little off. Tour is really starting to get to him. But they are almost done with this one. He feels like his stomach is killing him. As the day goes on he develops a high fever and a migraine. But he way to busy to go back to the hotel. Plus there is a concert tonight. He getting fed up with the other three goofing around. He wants sound check over. He feels like he going to Vomit now he is dizzy and he thinks he has diarrhea. The last straw for Niall was in the dressing room. Louis tackles him. He goes off on Louis. And bursts out crying hysterically. And goes to the dressing room bathroom and loosens it from both ends projection style... Added 10-28-15( can anyone please do one for each of the guys. I really love this one. And really want to read this one)

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