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Niall woke up on the bus. About 2 am with a migraine. His stomach is killing him and he has abdominal cramps. He feels sick but is way too tired to move. Luckily Harry is also sick so a bucket is still on the floor. He sits up and begins to feel dizzy. His stomach jumped in his throat. He reaches for the bucket. As he gets sick Liam hears him thinking it is harry when he checks Harry's bunk he finds Harry asleep. So he check his temperature it was still high. Then Liam gets up because he hears a noise runs in the back...... Added 7-23-15

Niall wakes up sick and Louis and Harry were being way to loud. It Niall very uncomfortable and very Cranky for the rest of the day.... Added 7-23-15

Louis is really sick and very cranky and very uncomfortableall day.... Added 7-23-15

Liam is extremely irritated, very uncomfortable and very cranky all day because he is sick....Added 7-23-15 ( I going to tackle this prompt too. If you like this you can still do this one as well)

Harry been stuck in a van for two days traveling. He sick as a dog and extremely uncomfortable and cranky...... Added 7-23-15

Niall is feeling sick he not doing to well. The boys had a very long day. Niall develops a high fever during a photo shoot. His throat hurts. He have been in the bathroom for most of the evening. After he got sick during the show. He spent the rest of the concert with his head in a bucket. And him sitting on the toilet. Paul went out and bought 10 bottles of Pedialyte. To keep him dehydrated. When they got to the hotel all five got on the elevator(the four boys and Paul.) They are in New York no the tallest new hotel there is The Skyscrapers hotel. On the 1090th floor. When on the 45th floor the elevator broke down. And It going to 24 hours to fix. And Niall begins to get really claustrophobic. Have panic attacks. Get sick again and is starting to need to pee....... Added 7-24-15

Liam just woke up in another hotel room in another city on another tour . When he realized this morning that he's not feeling well he's not sure what's up yet . But he had many things to do first thing in the morning . He has to yes to get up of three other boys starting with Niall who was sick with bronchitis for six weeks . And is in the beginning stages of a very bad stomach virus . He has a high fever, coughing really bad, horrible headaches, vomiting, diarrhea, and it's just is just extremely cranky . He's really in no shape to be on tour right now . then there's Harry who has not been feeling well as well. For the past three weeks Harry has been dealing with an overactive bladder with the bladder infection and a UTI and the beginning of a kidney infection with the same stomach virus. He's just cranky and is extremely uncomfortable nothing is helping him calm down all he wants is to be at home with his mom and sister .and then there's Louis was healthy as a horse is really enjoying irritating Niall and Harry every chance he gets to us the day went on after he woke all of them up got ready and went down to the lobby think they got into the van where Louis decided he's going to sing about missing carrots . That just made Harry and I'll Niall burst out in tears . It just gave Liam a bigger headache. Paul was watching in the back while this is going on and started yelling at Louis to please be quiet . After all it was 630 in the morning no one should be in the mood to be singing about a missing carrots. Liam tell him to shut up and it his job to make the other two better. Not even five minutes after that Liam stomach, explodes all over the floor in the van and all over Louis. Paul just looks at the tour manager and waited till they got to their destination. Paul goes over take Louis out first gets them in the green room then he gets Liam and has a laydown and then he goes and gets Niall and Harry . All while he's talking to the manager who is not letting anyone get out of today there's just too much things to do and everything has been booked for a while . As the day goes on ..... Added 7-26-15

Harry is laying on the couch in the green room with the beginning of a headache . Louis is just sitting against the wall taking a nap. Niall developed chickenpox through the night beginning with a headache stomachache is been vomiting all night long with diarrhea . Liam is just worrying who he needs to take care of right now . Today the boys are releasing their sixth album . Interviews after interviews after interviews are all lined up for today and there is no way anyone was getting out of them. Later that day Louis and Liam begin to feel sick as well ........ Added 7-26-15

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