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Niall has been talking to his mom lately. He been sick on tour with all traveling they have been doing for the tour. Maura was talking to Niall about how Greg has taken there dad to hospital because he has bee really sick. Then the tests came back with colon cancer. As Niall finds out he cries over this news. After he ends the phone call he runs to his room in his hotel room. He ends up shutting himself he realize he's extremely scared and is taking this news really. So he ends up crying during shows on stage . As time goes by he making himself sick again with his thoughts. When all he wants to do is go home to his family because he's homesick and wants his dad.......... added 7-12-15

Ann received menus news that she needs to get to the Hospital for testing. She has been sick lately , has been losing weight , and getting sick . Robin And Gmma has taken her to get checked out. It turns out to be a type of cancer.( What can I cancer she has it's up to you ). Gmma decides that she will go to Harry while he's on tour. To tell him about their mom here he hears this news he has a breakdown and Paul end up taking him to the hospital. What no one knows is that Harry last night huge break up fight with his girlfriend of three years . So she's still in the mindframe of that and when he saw that that Gmma is here. He knew it was bad news ,he was actually sick in this throughout the night last night that is why the breakdown happened. As for Ann she just started her treatment......... added 7-12-15

Niall is walking down the street in New York. Not watching where he was going when he was shoved into an very dark alley. A man beats the crap out of him ripped his Clothes off and throws it down the alley then he took a knife and cut little gashes all over Niall body. Then the unthinkable happened spread his legs and raped him Niall was terrified, all he wanted was a snack before turning I. For the night, He thought he wou l d be safe with it a bodyguard. After about 45 minutes the man gets up and left laughing like a maniac. Niall is crying, and he felt that it was strange he was not robbed. he gets up and gets his clothes and runs back to the hotel room. once he is back he falls in bed crying hysterically Liam years Niall crying. runs to the door and asked coming to coming that . All mile said he wanted to be alone then runs to his bathroom turned on the hottest water end passed out with the water running . He was going to clean himself off. But the pain was too much. The next morning Liam runs into Harry and Louis. The heat the shower running still. Until Liam realizes that it has been on all morning. Niall wakes up get dressed goes lays down gathers himself together then went to breakfast. He did Clean his face off and goes to breakfast. He was quiet and not and decided not to talk or laugh. The boys saw this and bombarded him with questions. He just wanted to be alone. Then 3 days later he woke up sick with a high fever turns out he has a bad infection running though his body and Liam has to help him as Niall throws up..... added 7-12-15

Louis is at the wrong place at the wrong time, Nd he ended up being raped........ added 7-12-15

Liam somehow ended up getting raped by a male fan... added 7-12-15

Nobody knows what's wrong with Harry he's been keeping everything to himself . What no one knows that he was right by a next girlfriend and her male friend. Harry is going into a depression and posttraumatic stress after a few weeks go by the ex-girlfriend is pregnant and not one . When the time comes for this woman to give birth. She giving them to Harry. But for now he holding in all this pain and depression. He e day up in so m much pain he gets sick during the tour. As the months fly by this woman gives birth to sextuplets that he has to take care of himself. After he has no choice to tell his family and the guys.

Harry is known for having really bad excruciating migraines. When they get to the point where he gets sick to his stomach . One morning Harry woke up feeling very sick he had a small headache he felt stiff all over his back and neck stomach felt so uncomfortable when he woke up he was two hours late for the studio once he got dressed in the tracksuit.( Which he is not known for wearing often. ) He had a hard time concentrating on driving himself to the studio. when he gets there he sees his reflection in the mirror. he is extremely pale his eyes are bloodshot they're swollen and really red he runs into the studio room where they are all working and explains everything what is wrong and toes and lays down and fall asleep until his woken up and it's his turn to sing he started recording but got sick and passed out.....( now it your turn what happens next. Just make sure he has a tumor in his lower back in fused with his spine as well as any form of meningitis) added 7-12-15.

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