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  Harry wakes up having to pee really bad, He gets out of his bunk quickly and runs to the bathroom. Only to find someone in there at 5 am. Turns out Liam has has been in there since 1 am sick as a dog and cannot leave. So Harry runs in goes to the shower to go Liam asked if he is ok. Because he is very pale holding his lower back. But Harry was to focused on his painful task and NEED. As he tries to go he realized he noticed he can not go but a little. And that his back hurts and a lot of pain. Harry begins to freak out and have a huge panic attack. Liam recognised the symptoms immediately. Told him to go lay down and he would get help when he could stop getting sick, He told Harry as he throws up again. .......(you pick what happens next) The next evening Liam still sick, but now is laying on the crouch in the back room. He is still getting sick. Harry is feeling so bad, can not pee, he has a fever of 104.6. Harry in so much pain that he cries out. Harry drinking water. But in the bathroom every 10 minutes. And being the bus is not helping him at all. Harry we so embarrassed he going to the bathroom so much, or he having accidents and going in his pants. He can no get comfortable why so ever. The rest of the guys are extremely worried. Louis ends up calling his mom Ann. As just told him to get him to the hospital, if he is not going to the restroom and in that much pain.......(what happens next is up to you). So late that night Paul ends up taking both Harry and Liam to the ER. Turns out though tests Liam has a extreme case of Food Poisoning and the Stomach Flu. Harry on the other hand is now throwing up and his high fever. The Hospital staff ran tons of tests. Turns out he has a really extreme case UTI, Bladder, Kidney infections. as well as urethritis which in infection in the urethra. And the Flu. They gave him Bratrim, that turns out a week later. He wakes up with a rash, fever and bad gives that made his body swollen. He ends up having a asthma attacks. He just extremely miserable. And needs more medical attention....... (It your turn to finish this. I did research on added 7-9-15

  Louis is woke up to this big and rash. He is not sure where it came from. What he does realized is his rash is hot so he must have fever. He was really Itchy and his head and stomach hurts. He gets out of bed knowing he has recording in the studio, they have found check, chorography rehearsal , they run through the whole show , and voice lessons as well as the show. He goes though the day Miserable and getting sick as a dog. He tired take it easy but he never to a chance to lay down. The next day he has a reaction to the Laundry soap. He still has that High fever. Spends his whole morning sick in the hotel bathroom. Because of stress and the Flu..... (Please continue on floor on here) added 7-10-15

   The boys have opportunity to go to Canada an sing at the Woman's World Cup. They been practicing a lot. They put their tour on hold for a while about 3 months. Towards the e+day of their practice about three weeks till the they need to be ready. They worked so hard a becomes tired and sick. As they leave one night Harry falls and hurts his Lower back really badly tripping over a cord. And has a nasty case of the Flu. He been in the restroom on and off all day. Niall comes down with _____________ (you pick). Louis becomes emotional and has Strep throat. Liam comes down with one of the worst kidney infection yet..............(time to continue this) Added 7-10-15

   Niall brother Greg comes down with a bad case of H1N1 As well as pneumonia. Then Denise finds out she has Breast cancer and is Pregnant and is 5 weeks. Maura and Chris both came down with a bad case of shingles. And Bobby Is on his honeymoon. So Niall take Theo with him on tour for six month to a year.........(you pick what they do and what happens on tour) then both of Theo's parents pass away. Denise at least gives birth to a little Girl Tessa ROSE. But does before beginning chemo. His Dad is in a really bad car Accident with his wife Betty Louise. He is in a severe coma and his wife is not looking good. Maura is out in Icu and that not looking promising. Then his Step dad is getting weekend by the day. It was Paul that was told all this By his wife after all she good friends with The family. Paul has to put Theo in Harry's arms while on stage. Then delivered the bad news about his Family. Niall goes back on stage ran to his nephew picked him back up(Theo 2 in this story) tells the crowd he has a Family emergency. Leaves stage runs to the dressing room and calls Paul's wife. As the guys come back Niall has his nephew in his arms crying. Two weeks later he dealing with everything himself. He is stressed and arranging funerals. his mom is still alive and his dad is in a coma Niall becomes sick with the_________ ( you pick what he sick from and write the story now) Added7-10-15

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