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All the boys are on the bus asleep in their bunks traveling in Columbus Ohio. They are on 315 by Ohio State University campus. They are all extremely sick with walking pneumonia. At first they were all so busy with the tour they did not realize they all got a bad cold. They just thought it was stress. They had no time to rest or even think lately. So when the colds turned it to the flu and then Bronchitis they realized they were all very sick. Management would not allow a trip to the hospital. The boys were self medicated by management. Nothing worked it turned in to pneumonia and they were then so sick with Walking pneumonia. As the boys were asleep with there Girls Louis and Eleanor, Liam and Sophia, Harry and Abigail Rose (Abbie Rose) Niall And Riley Grace. All were sick though. They also had Zayn and Perrie who were visiting the boys for a few weeks. We're also sick. In the middle of of the night at 3 am a SemiCrashed into the Bus.( NONE ARE KILLED) But Niall and Rei and Harry and Abbie were all crushed in between the bunks. Zayn was thrown out of the bus and the rest were scattered everywhere. All are badly hurt. Now the story begins right before they are recused.... Added 9-17-16

Liam ends up drinking way too much one night ends up damaging his kidneys and has alcohol poisoning . Hands up extremely stick and have to go back on dialysis . After all that experience he goes in to rehab... Added 9-19-15

After Zayn left the band. It has taken a toll on the boys of one direction . Everyone is tired and not sleeping well . He has not been sleeping lately he's been very stressed and concerned about everything . Time goes on he sleeping less and less . In six months pass Liam has been realizing he's been getting used sharp stabs in his kidneys he just thinks this is stress . Sophia has been keeping an eye on him for a while she's been getting worried about him . Now that he's on tour Sophia's came with him to keep an ion him . He is starting to fall asleep anytime during the day. Starting to worry Paul in management Sophia as well as the boys of one direction . Word gets around the Zayn of what's going on with everyone doesn't know his pain started to get worse and worse and worse . Then one morning he wakes up to a bladder infection that is went to his kidneys . He also has a UTI and a high fever . Not much you can do for Liam when using this statement mind . Two months later for the one direction begin their new tour at the group before . This has caused a lot of stress for not only Liam but the rest of the boys as well . ST more months go by he notices pain moving throughout his back area . He noted he used pulled something in his back or at least think you did . And then he starts peeing blood the next morning . After all his kidney never got traded Nordisk's bladder infection he just ignored it and kept on going on with everything . Finally he can't take anymore the pain and he starts crying . So everyone goes to Liam to see what the deal is end up taking him to urgent care for the hospital instead to see what was going . Once the results came back it turns out Liam has cancer in his kidneys and his bladder is making me really sick ... Added 9-20-15

One of the boys have been having some major issues with constipation and severely impacted bowels . He has been in pain for weeks . He has tried everything but now he cannot sleep or anything his stomach is extended and severely bloated. he cannot keep anything down and is hospitalised. the only way to solve this problem is to have surgery . And then the recovery doesn't turn out too well. He ends up getting a infection in the upper intestines. it takes a long time and they had to push the tour back some... Added 9-23-15

Niall loves what he does for a living, music is his life. He is still hurt over Zayn leaving. But lately he has had enough of touring. He is becoming a good actor. He falling into a depression. The other boys and his family have not picked up on it. One morning he in his hotel room. He feels down he has a headache and a terrible stomach ache. He has a fever and his body is beginning to shut down. He has developed a bladder problems. He been having accidents though out the day. At night he soaking his sheets. He had a few accidents with his bowels as well. This been going for 15 months now and last night a accident on stage in front of his fans. The boys just realized something major been going on with Niall. The worst part is his family was at the show. They take him to see a doctor. What they found out is his Bladder, Kidney are infected. He has a UTI bladder and Kidney infection... Added 9-23-15

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