36| Rachelle

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Approx twenty-one years earlier

Minerva's heart had swelled with pride as she watched her daughter's willowy figure glide across the stage. Rachelle was the lead, again, in her final ballet before she left for the Royal Ballet School in London. The audience had given a standing ovation, just as they should, she thought.

"You were magnificent, my poppit." She crushed her daughter in a hug. Rachelle hugged her back still coming down from the high of the performance.

"Thanks mum." She wiped a sudden tear from her eye. "I'm going to miss you so much."

"Shhh." Minerva soothed. "I've still got you for another two weeks."

The teaching period didn't start for another 3 months but Rachelle was heading over to secure a job - she had a scholarship to the school but she had to pay for everything else.

"Um. Is it okay if I go out tonight?"

Minerva cocked an eyebrow. "Where to?" Even though Rachelle was eighteen now she couldn't help but be overly protective.

"Zara and Katie found this cool place that has awesome DJs that play on Friday nights."

She didn't sense any deception from her, but she knew her daughter had found ways around her empathic abilities. Minerva could ask a direct question but she trusted her daughter - she'd never done anything to make Minerva doubt her. "You haven't had enough dancing tonight?" Minerva's voice had a laugh in it. Her daughter could never sit still.

Rachelle laughed. "Never."

"No drinking though, okay?" Minerva had no doubts it was a nightclub and while she trusted her daughter she was coming to that age and Minerva remembered what she had been like...

Rachelle gave her a fierce hug. "Best behaviour."


Rachelle was grinning from ear to ear. The night had been amazing. Zara had been right. The DJs play lists had been nothing but bangers. They danced non stop. She had had a couple of drinks, because fuck it they were here. She didn't like the feeling of getting too drunk, but a little tipsy was fun.

She made her way to the water station at the end of the bar. She filled a glass almost to the brim and drank greedily. Water spilled out one side of her mouth in her haste. She felt it run down her jaw, down her collarbone and into her cleavage. She made a noise and brushed the water off her.

She looked up and made eye contact with a man at the other end of the bar. Her glance darted off his straight away, embarrassed by the mutual gaze.

She finished her glass and placed it with the other dirty ones. She snuck a quick glance again and saw that he was still looking right at her with a small smile on his lips. With her heart in her throat she headed back onto the throng of dancers on the dance floor.

Zara was grinding against some guy and Katie had found a couple that seemed interested in her coming home with them. She was dancing with them both. Even with the coupling up they made sure to include her, but she was starting to think it might be time to head home. She didn't have a curfew but she usually made sure she was home by 2. Her mother would sometimes stay up and Rachelle could debrief her on her evening.

Rachelle thought back to the man at the bar. He had been tall with shoulder length sleek black hair and the greenest eyes she had ever seen. It made her think it was a glamour - perhaps he was a witch. He had been wearing all black. Even with her weak empathic abilities she had been able to feel his interest in her. It gave her a nervous thrill.

After another few songs she made her way back for another water. She didn't need it but she wanted to see if he was still there.

He was.

She sipped her drink this time, watching the dance floor. Trying with all her might not to look his way. What was she even doing?

She felt him move towards her. She glanced at him as he settled in next to her, also looking out at the dance floor.

"You move beautifully." His voice was low and she felt a shiver run up her spine. She felt like she shouldn't have been able to hear him above the music.

"Ah... thanks." She yelled back, feeling shy.

"Can I get you a drink?"

"No, thank you. I'm okay with water." She cursed herself instantly. That was just an in for him to spend time with you, dummy, he'll think you're not interested.

He lent in so that his lips brushed her ear. "Anything else to whet your appetite?"

She felt a plump feeling in her clit and bit her lip. She felt his interest in her turn to arousal. Woah, she thought as an intoxicating feeling swept over her.

She looked at him as he pulled back, a smirk playing on his lips. He had a high forehead with his face ending in a pointed chin, his nose straight, his lips slight but definitely kissable.

"What have you got in mind?" She asked brazenly. She spoke softly, sure he could hear her.

His face changed as a wickedly pleased grin spread across his face. He had the type of face where he looked so serious until he smiled.

He led her onto the dance floor. Her breath caught as he laid his hands on her hips and pulled her to him. He moved her to a completely different beat. Time had no meaning while she let him move her, feeling no need to take control and dance to the rhythm of the song playing. He swayed their hips together, one hand slid down to the top of her butt cheek, the other resting on her waist. He drew a circle with his thumb tickling her belly.

"My name's Thomas," he spoke softly against her ear. He said his name with an accentuation on the last syllable as 'us'. She heard him so clearly through the music she was sure he had to be otherworldly.

Rachelle let her lower lip brush against his ear as she shared her name. She felt his response to her closeness where their pelvis met.

Rachelle slung her arms over his shoulders, lost in the feeling of his attraction pushing up against her. She felt bolder than she had in her entire life as she slid a hand down onto his chest, feeling his heartbeat under her hand. She had always gotten lost in dance and this one was no exception.

She had no idea how many songs they danced to, but she could sense the crowd thinning out as they headed to closing time.

"Let's get out of here," he whispered to her.

Rachelle nodded looking around for her friends. Zara was laughing with the guy she had cozied up to all night. She snaked her way over to the other girl, holding Thomas's hand.

Zara looked up at her surprised and raked her eyes over the two of them.

"Hey." Rachelle blushed slightly at her friend's scrutiny. "We're gonna go... could you..?" She left the question hanging.

Zara pulled her into a tight hug. "Of course I'll cover for you. Let your mum know you're staying at mine."

Rachelle hugged her back, feeling a pang as her hand left Thomas's. "Is this too crazy?" She whisper yelled into her friend's ear, knowing she'd need to increase her volume to be heard over the music.

Zara gave her a squeeze. "Not at all. You've got two weeks before you go out into the big wide world. Go get it!" She laughed as she went to push Rachelle back towards Thomas. She grabbed her again quickly and added. "Just message me details of where you're going and send me updates."

The reason behind Zara's words gave her pause but when she met his eyes again any concern vanished. She just nodded and let him lead her out.


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