I had a dream..

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I fell asleep in Billie's arms, the warmth of her wrapped behind me. She was so sweet and cute. She made my heart flutter. The way she laughed was very cute, whenever she did it seemed like she hadn't in awhile. Even her smile was perfect, I loved the way her dimples showed up on her cheeks whenever she did. 

That night after I fell asleep I had a dream about her. It was a very cute dream. 

She pulled up to my house in Dragon and let herself in the door. I was getting ready and wore a dark blue dress and had my hair somewhat wavy. She knocked on my bedroom door and I told her to come in. I watched her jaw drop in awe as she looked me up and down.

"Wow baby... you look beautiful." She walked towards me and grabbed me by the waist, pulling me in for a kiss. She kissed me softly with her plump lips, while slowly making her way down my jawline. I felt shivers run down my spine as she sucked on a sweet spot on my neck.

"B-Billie..." I exhaled slowly as she left a small mark on my neck. She pulled away leaving a satisfied smirk on her face. She pulled her hands away from my waist and handed me a rose. I turned the rose in my hand admiring it.

"So pretty.. thank you." I smiled softly at her, leaving one more peck on my lips. She grabbed my hand and we headed out the door. She opened the car door for me and a sat inside, watching as she got in on her side.

"So baby, where we going?" She smiled and said, "You'll see..." I smile and thought about the fact that thats what she said before she took me to the cliff where she opened up to me and we kissed. 

After about ten minutes we pulled up to this really fancy restaurant. She pulled up to the side and stepped out of the car. She came to my side of the car and opened the door for me, she was so sweet. We held hand in hand while walking into the restaurant.

I watched as people lined up on the outside of the building waited to get inside, some yelled at Billie, not in a bad way, but she just ignored them, tonight was me and her.

**time skip**

We walked out of the restaurant and went back to the car. Once we were both in, she drove off driving to a new location. I recognized the way we were going and I knew exactly where we were going. She stepped out of the car and led me to the spot we first kissed at. This is a spot I would never forget, it would forever be special to me. She laid down a blanket and we both sat down.

I rested my head on her shoulder and she rested her hand on my thigh. We stared up at the stars admiring the sky. "Billie?" She turned her head to me and mumbled a small 'hm'

"I love you..." She stayed quiet for a moment making me panic. "I love you too..." My heart grew warm but it skipped a beat when she quickly turned my head towards her and kissed me hard on the lips. I kissed her back and the kiss grew deep. She licked my bottom lip requesting entrance and I let her. She slipped her tongue in my mouth and slowly began to explore my mouth. She gripped my waist and pulled me onto her lap. I moaned into our kiss as she moved her hands up and down my body.

"Mm.. B-Billie..." I whimpered as I sat on her leg, slowly grinding back and forth. She let go for air and slowly left sloppy kisses down my jaw and on my collarbone. I breathed heavily into her ear as she left marks all over my chest. I suddenly felt more pressure between my legs as she pushed her leg up harder. I felt her smirk against my skin as she felt my hips buck at her sudden action. "You taste good mamas..." She left a swipe of her tongue up the crook of my neck making me whimper. I wanted more... so much more. I wanted to feel how much she really loved me. I wanted to feel her. 

She slid a hand underneath my dress making me gasp.

I woke up suddenly my body hot and a slight bit of dampness on my forehead. I looked around the room remembering where I was. Did I really just dream that...? I shook my head trying to get rid of these dirty thoughts as I looked over to Billie, who was silently whimpering in her sleep. Maybe she was having a bad dream? I looked over to her face and saw she was crying. My poor baby...

I lifted my hand over her and pressed it against her cheek, wiping away a few tears. I placed My hand on her arm and gently shook her, making her stir around.

"Billie... Billie!" She quickly shot up startling me a bit. 

"are you okay...?"

Billie POV

I heard my name quietly in the back of my mind. I felt myself being shook softly and I shot up. I looked around my room realizing that it was a dream. I looked over to Ava who held her hand on my shoulder, looking at me with a concerned look. "Are you okay...?" I felt relief but also pain in my chest as I heard her soft words. 

This was the second night in a row I had a bad dream like this, except she was in it. Exactly what I feared happened in this dream. Wasn't even a dream, it was a nightmare, but when I wake up I see, her with me.

I instantly pulled her in for a hug and silently sobbed on her shoulder. "It's ok... I'm here.." She pet my head softly as she soothed me from my crying. She lifted my head and looked into my eyes.

"Did you have a bad dream?" I nodded slowly as I thought about the things she had said to me, in the dream of course. I hope she would never say those things in real life. I would hope that that dream would never happen for real. "Well I want to hear about this in the morning, but for now, I want you to go back to sleep. Remember I'm right here..." She waited till I nodded towards her so she could make sure I understood. "You're okay..." she cooed.

She pulled me in for another hug and laid us back down. This time I was facing her and she had her chin resting on the top of my head. She left a kiss on my forehead and held me tightly. "I gotchu... Goodnight Billie..." I sniffled and mumbled the words back. 





Another bad dream... poor Billie... Ava's dream was kinda spicy thoo god damn... y'all probably hate me for ending it like that Lol.

1179 words

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