year one recap

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year one aesthetic !!

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year one aesthetic !!

When Hope turned 11 she didn't except her whole life to be turned round — she didn't expect anything actually but that's besides the point.

On her annoying cousins birthday, they all went to the zoo and there was a snake that Hope and Harry SPOKE to!! He was actually pretty nice — the twins somehow let him out the cage and ended up trapping Dudley in there. It was hilarious. Uncle Vernon didn't find it that funny though . .

After that they got a letter from a place called Hogwarts but before we could open it they got it taken away from them. Luckily the next day they just kept appearing until the twins and the rest of the family were forced to go to a remote location. The twins were still found from a man called Hagrid! They found out the truth, they are witches and wizards!

Hope and Harry met this boy called Ron Weasley, he's a bit annoying but in a good way. Then we met this girl called Hermione Granger — she's a bit snobby but she seems well.

She's very pretty . .

What? Who said that—

Hope and Harry both got into Gryffindor and when sitting there she met two ginger boys called Fred and George — they were Ron's older brothers! The twins and Hope bonded over their love for pranks and interest for quidditch and started to become close friends.

After this git Malfoy was being an arse, Hope and harry went and got him back on the brooms — earning them the role of seeker and chaser; just like their father!!!

Between Hope pranking with the twins — harry and Hermione scolding her after — and nearly getting killed by who they thought was Professor Snape but it was actually Quirrel who had Voldemort on the back of his bloody head— it was SO WEIRD!!! They ended up killing him so it's fine!!!

Oh right— Hope and Harry met their parents too— kinda. They were in the mirror of erised and they waved and smiled brightly towards them. Sadly Dumbledore found out and warned them kindly not to do it again, someone people go bad using it.

Soon enough through quidditch skills, a large chess game and devils snare that was hidden under a trap door — guarded by Hagrid's three headed dog named fluffy. . .

they saved the school from danger and soon enough won the Gryffindor cup!

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