vi. boggarts, magical wardrobes and secrets

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Late in the month of September, Hope casually strolled down the halls, smiling at any students passing while she finished nibbling on her last biscuit.

She had just left Minnie's classroom after their usual chat and she was now on her way to Defence against the Dark Arts. She was quite excited about this class, already favouring the new Professor that she needs to find a nickname for.

She gives them to all her favourite Professors.

Lupin? Prof Lupin? No that's too boring.

Maybe something to do with his first name. .

She got knocked out of her thoughts when she bumped into someone, the boy falling to the ground. Hope had seen the boy sitting near Atlas, on the Hufflepuff table.

"Sorry! Didn't see where I was going!" Hope said hurriedly as she helps him up, earning a smile in return.

He was handsome to say the least.

"Don't worry about it, Potter." He replied with a bashful smile, earning a grin back from the girl.

"You know me?" Hope says, quirking her eyebrows up a little whilst holding her hand to her hip.

"Of course I do, everyone knows you!" The Hufflepuff replies easily making her smile at the recognition.

"You are..?" Hope says, looking at him for an answer due to forgetting his name.

She can be really forgetful at times.

"Cedric, Cedric Diggory!" The boy known as Cedric says cheerfully, not even caring the girl didn't know her name, making her nod at the remembrance finally getting back to her.

"Well nice to meet you Diggory, see ya!" Hope calls out, sending the boy one last grin before carrying on her journey to her class.

The girl had finally arrived at her Defence class. She opened the door, the entire class turning around, their eyes lingering for a moment before turning back around already used to the girls behaviour.

Remus glanced down towards the door when it opened, he didn't show any sign of disappointment or annoyance due to the fact she was late, already had been used to it in his own time at Hogwarts.

Of course he had to be an adult now, a Professor, but he knew by that one interaction he had with the girl that she was like her father, so he wasn't surprised to see her strolling into the classroom late with a grin plastered on her face.

"Glad to see you have finally graced us with your presence, Miss Potter." Lupin greeted, Hopes grin turning bashful at the mans words, "Please come join us."

"I was with Minnie, I even have a note if you don't believe me." Hope states truthfully as she struts down towards him, passing the note towards his outstretched hand.

𝒎𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒍𝒅𝒂 - 𝘩𝘰𝘱𝘦 𝘮𝘢𝘳𝘭𝘦𝘯𝘦 𝘱𝘰𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘳 !Where stories live. Discover now