iv. the grim, buckbeak and lessons

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Hope woke up to her best friend Hermione's pillow being thrown at the Potter before screaming at her to wake up.

She then went back to sleep.

Hermione had to physically drag her out of bed for her to get up, she then reluctantly got up and ready for the day.

The girl put her teddies that had fallen from her bed onto the floor, back in their space quickly.

Her stag teddy which she had named prongs, Her wolf teddy which she had named moony and her black dog teddy which she had named paddy.

She doesn't know why they are named that, she just knows that's what she's called them ever since she was a little girl.

She checked the time, seeing that Hermione had woken her up early even though the girl had screamed at her for being late. She let out a large sigh before mentally thanking her as she walks into the bathroom.

She had a quick shower where she washed her hair and body before getting out and cleaning her face with her skincare.

Hope started first on her hair. She fixed her hair up, drying and defusing her curls with a muggle invention she found before neating it making it a perfect mix between a mess and perfection, putting a spell on it so it doesn't get ruined throughout the day — especially her curls.

Afterwards she got into her her school uniform, rolling the skirt up a little way past her knee before tucking her white shirt slightly loosely into the skirt with her red and golden Gryffindor tie hung loosely around her neck. The girl grabbed her cloak, placing it on her, leaving it unbuttoned so you can still see a clear view of the rest of her uniform underneath.

Lastly, she started her makeup. She didn't need much she was already naturally gorgeous but she had eye bags she needed to cover. She grabbed her concealer and applying enough on either side before lightly blending it in with a beauty blender. She grabbed her highlighter and added some on her button nose before dabbing it in. She took out her blush and added a light layer of blush on her cheeks — her cheeks were naturally rosy but she liked to add some time to time.

She then got out her eyeliner and placed it on her waterline, smudging it slightly so it blends. She looked through her makeup bag, taking out her mascara and eyelash curler using them both gently on her eyelashes. Lastly she grabbed her lip combo. She drew around her naturally pouty lips, just to make them pop out before adding her matching reddish lipstick shade. Lastly she put on some lipgloss over the top before rubbing her lips together letting out a smack.

𝒎𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒍𝒅𝒂 - 𝘩𝘰𝘱𝘦 𝘮𝘢𝘳𝘭𝘦𝘯𝘦 𝘱𝘰𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘳 !Where stories live. Discover now