v. trevor the toad lives to see another day

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"Does it hurt terribly Draco?" Pansy Parkinson asks the boy who is exaggerating his pain about his arm.

Hope overhears the girls whiney voice from across the hall. Her temper gets the best of her as she says, "Parkinson, have you ever thought of getting a dog? I hear you share the same qualities!" She shouts making the girl look over.

"Excuse me?!" She screeches with widened eyes before standing up from her seat and marching over to the golden quartet, standing right in front of the potter girl who is watching her with a sly smirk on her face — but her eyes are filled with annoyance.

"Did you not hear me over your constant drooling over Malfoy?" She questions with a bored tone, as she stays sitting down in her seat with the same laid back position, "I said you have the same qualities as a dog! You look like one, smell like one, act like one — how you don't even have a brain you just fawn over Malfoy like a minion, following wherever he goes, just like a dog." Hope adds with a yawn as Ron struggles to hold back his laughter, Harry holds back his large smile from behind his hand whilst he and Hermione try get the girl to stop.

The Slytherin stutters her words, looking absolutely gobsmacked making the Gryffindor smirk up at her. She grumbles under breath and tries taking out her wand but Hope is quicker and calls out in her head whilst holding out her wand, stupefy, making the girl fall back onto the floor with a thud.

"Piss off, Parkinson." Hope says, giving the girl a deathly glare making her glare back before storming off, anger radiating off her as she walks through a crowd of first years, ignoring the way some of them fall over and she leaves the great hall.

"Nice one Hope!" Ron calls out with a snigger whilst Harry chuckles while he rolling his eyes but Hermione doesn't find humour in the situation at all.

"You could've got detention! You still could she might've gone to tell on you!" Hermione says with wide eyes as she looks towards the red-haired girl.

"It's fine mione, I'm not going to die and detentions are perfectly fine anyway— I get them with minnie." The girl states calmly as she drinks some of her apple juice by her straw, the sound of a faint slurp coming from it every few seconds.

"Malfoy was really laying it on thick, wasn't he?" Ron says trying to steer the conversation away from the girl since Hermione is giving her the evilest eyes he had ever seen her give.

"Yeah, but atleast Hagrid didn't get fired." Harry says making Hermione look over before joining the conversation as Hope lets out a sigh of relief.

𝒎𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒍𝒅𝒂 - 𝘩𝘰𝘱𝘦 𝘮𝘢𝘳𝘭𝘦𝘯𝘦 𝘱𝘰𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘳 !Where stories live. Discover now