vii. atlas' furry little problem and quidditch practice

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^^ that's what her animagus looks like.

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Hope and Atlas are sat by the black lake, comfortably sitting on the ground, the girls back resting on the large tree behind her as the boy comfortably sat in front as he chews on his chocolate cake he had been given by the house elf's in the kitchen.

They didn't ended up choosing to skip their first classes, due to the fact they were too tired after the full moon from last night. Atlas had told the girl that he found something similar about the man. He knew him and has met him before. Apparently they are related, Hope was so shocked when she found out. Apparently Remus is his mums cousin, making him Atlas' older cousin once removed but they just decided to call each other uncle and nephew.

Apparently it's easier for them??

Atlas told the girl that something else feels different about the man, that he's got something to hide.

The two teenagers have an idea of what the secret is though, and it's the same one the 13 year old boy also shares.

Hope lets out a yawn as she flickers her eyes open, looking across towards her best friend who was half way through his chocolate cake, eating it in contempt.

"Last night was. . Fun!" Hope says, holding back her smile, as she tries to lift the spirits about her new job for his full moons.

"Yeah for you maybe, I'm still mad that you did that without telling me." Atlas retorts, his mood dampening at the remembrance when he found out about what she had done.

"You're barking mad!" She retorts, not being able to ignore the pun making the boy roll his eyes. The girl suddenly going very serious, "I wanted to help you, and now I can! You don't have to be alone anymore, Atlas!" Hope states as she sits up, crossing her arms over her chest.

"You became an animagus, Hope!" The boy reminds the girl as if she has forgotten, "It's illegal, you could go to Azkaban! Or what if you did it wrong then you would've died!"

"Ugh honestly, Atlas, it's like you don't even care what I've done— I'm doing this for you and I don't care what you say!" Hope responds sternly making him groan loudly before reluctantly nodding.

"Whatever— don't come crying to me if you get caught." He says grumpily, both of them knowing she can definitely still go to him.

"Great! Now— nicknames." Hope says, changing the topics with a smile pressing across her face making the boy roll his head back.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22 ⏰

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𝒎𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒍𝒅𝒂 - 𝘩𝘰𝘱𝘦 𝘮𝘢𝘳𝘭𝘦𝘯𝘦 𝘱𝘰𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘳 !Where stories live. Discover now