year two recap

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Hopes mood diminished after the twins didn't get any letters from any of her friends, making her angry and anxious of what they could've done

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Hopes mood diminished after the twins didn't get any letters from any of her friends, making her angry and anxious of what they could've done.

The truth is she did end up getting letters but a house elf called Dobby stole them from them in hopepun intended — for them to stay home from Hogwarts but they said no. He retaliated in getting them told of from their aunt and uncle.

Hope took the blame for the both of them leaving her with a bruised face and Harry staying all night cleaning it while they starve. Home sweet home.

The next night they ended up being saved by their favourite people — the Weasleys — and the twins ran away leaving in their flying car to the Weasley house.

She met the youngest Weasley Ginny who was starting her first year at Hogwarts. She was sassy like her and was really cool to be around!

They immediately got along quickly which for some reason terrified Fred and George.

Hope, Harry and Ron ended up not being able to go through the barrier and it was Hope's idea to take the flying car — Ron agreed but Harry was hesitant until she dragged him inside. The twins nearly died — again. Hope had fallen out, then harry fell on his stomach near the door whilst trying to help pull her up whilst Ron was freaking out.

The trio ended up in detention — thank Merlin, but their stupid teacher Professor Snivellus — Hope nicknamed him — tried to get us expelled.

He cared more about the stupid tree that they had crashed into than their safety — stupid git.

Thank god minnie and dumbles came to the rescue!! Love them!!!! Especially minnie she's the best.

The twins ended up showing Hope this map called the 'marauders map' which Hope don't know why but the names on it seemed familiar to her. Especially Prongs?

Fred, George and Hope dyed Snivellus' hair bright red and let's just say he wasn't very happy — contrasted to hope, the boys and minnie who the potter girl had seen holding back a smile.

She had this new teacher that they met earlier in the week. Massive egotistical freak! He was worse than Hope and that's saying something — just ask Harry.

Hermione forced the girl to study in the library where she found this book about animagus' it seemed cool! She stashed it in my bag deciding to do it on her own — knowing her friends would find it 'too dangerous' and joined Hermione back in the library.

Hope had met this guy called Aaron Walbury. He was a slytherin that she had became friends with since she didn't want to judge them too harshly — despite having bad issues with every slytherin she had came across.

He was really sweet — or so she thought.

Hope and Harry ended up being framed for the the chamber of secrets being opened and being called 'the heirs of slytherin'

That is what ruined Aaron and Hope's relationship.

Soon enough, Hermione was then petrified, the remaining trio found a diary from Tom Riddle, Ginny was stuck in the chamber which made it the trio's responsibility to save them.

They encountered too many large spiders — let's just say Harry had a long night trying to force Ron and Hope to come with them since the duo are TERRIFIED of spiders — even though Hope is used to them she still hates them.

They then realised Tom Riddle was Voldermort!!!

They looked very different . .

He was kinda— NOPE! He ruined Hope's life not gonna go there. 

Harry and Hope fought against him and for some time, Hope had to distract Tom. She was arguing with him but she ended up being too sarcastic which made him use a spell on her due to his anger.

It was called the cruciatus curse and it was worse than any other punishment Hope had ever had back at home.

Hope had also met two new people. She met this boy named Atlas Morgan first. He's really shy but also really funny if you get past his quiet front.

The next person Hope met was a girl called annalise gilbert! She's a ravenclaw but she isn't that snobbish like the rest. She's really sweet and funny when you get to know her — and when her head isn't in a book.

They might be her new best friends.

Luckily, in the end Harry came back and the twins saved Ginny when Hope stabbed the book with the basilisk fang whilst Harry tended to Ginny.

And just like last year, they had saved Hogwarts from danger again.

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