i. blowing up her aunt

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It was a rainy evening down at little whinging. The house of five had a guest tonight.

The twins walk down the stairs, into the living room where their uncle is sitting. They lean beside the counter as they talk amongst themselves about how excited they are to go back to Hogwarts.

Hope was about to reply to her brother when her uncle interrupted her, "Will you two be quiet? I can't hear the television!" He shouts making them both sigh in annoyance before doing as told, turning to look at the tv.

"Sirius Black has escaped prison and is on the loose. He is extremely dangerous and insane. If you have any information on Black, please contact this number . . ."

Hopes head shoots up at these words, her eyes looking straight at the tv.

Sirius Black?

Why does that name sound so familiar to me? She thought.

The girl was knocked out of her thoughts when the man says, "Look at that guy," the girls uncle grumbled, "He looks awful. When are they going to learn that the only way to deal with these people are hanging?"

Typical Vernon. She rolls her eyes at the man ignoring his words as she sends Harry a look of annoyance, him sending one right back.

We are able to communicate without speaking, just our facial expressions. Sometimes when we are in a stressful situation we are able to talk through each other's minds. We could never find out how though. . We asked Dumbledore but he couldn't find anything.

Her hazel painted eyes widened at the sight of the man. If I ever looked like that I would never show my face in public. . She thought with distraught, I almost feel sorry for him. . She adds on.

"Do you think he looks familiar or is it just me?" Hope mumbles to her twin brother looking at him with confusion and slight nervousness.

Harry looks over to the tv, the picture of the man showing on the screen. He looks at it intently before shaking his head, pausing when a thought appears in his mind, "maybe it's your hyperthymesia?" He wonders, whilst studying at his sister's face.

"Hm. . Maybe. That would mean I've met him though— that wouldn't be very comforting." She mutters back trying to hide the slight fear she has.

"Not sure then." He says giving her a small shrug making her roll her eyes at his answer.

"Thanks for all the help." She says sarcastically making him crack a smile.

𝒎𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒍𝒅𝒂 - 𝘩𝘰𝘱𝘦 𝘮𝘢𝘳𝘭𝘦𝘯𝘦 𝘱𝘰𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘳 !Where stories live. Discover now