SWSS Log: cycle 3,921

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It has been a few cycles since the last log I have made. I have updates on Chasing Wind's investigation. His messenger has made its way into Sliver of Straw's main chamber, where they do indeed appear to be dead. It's a bit... insane? Is the correct word? Earth shattering? Whatever it is, it is strange to think that one of us could be dead. I won't dwell on it in this recording because by the time I look back on this I'll have gotten over it already. When my memories have deteriorated, my structure has fallen, and I stop needing to take in water, I'll have gotten over it already. Anyways, I have no news from my messenger's overseer, it appears my messenger has found a companion. A child. Where they found them I am not sure, but the child seems to get along with my messenger. Why they choose to make their task more difficult by choosing to take care of this being I do not understand, but it doesn't hinder his mission so I allow it. My messenger is nearing their destination, they should be there by the next log I make, unless I have some dire emergency I need to take note of immediately. End Log.

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