SWSS Log: Cycle 3,955

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I have fully completed my design, and the first one is on its way to get my messenger. This creature isn't ideal for all environments but for the ones it will be traversing it is. I call it the Tortoise, I have taken from the designs of my brethren, more specifically their "Miros Bird" designs, and have changed it up. The Tortoise has four legs instead of 2, for more stable traversal, if slightly slower, it is still very quick with the same leg design. While its mouth might look sharp, and made for tearing, the teeth are more made for gripping, and aren't strong enough to hurt, much less cut through anything. The Tortoise's back can open up, and can store several things, like a walking storage crate. The Tortoise's back has a specific bone structure to keep it comfortable, safe, and able to carry the smallest things without hurting them, it has the side effect of making it extremely difficult to break out of. I have the design stored on this same pearl, for future use. I have told my messenger that a Tortoise is on the way to get them, but they aren't aware of what a Tortoise looks like, so I have to monitor them constantly and tell them when it arrives.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11 ⏰

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