SWSS Log: cycle 3,927

16 0 0

My overseer has been giving me constant updates on the child my messenger has found. It appears my messenger is still choosing to care for the small one, and keeps requesting that my overseer send images and videos of it. I will admit, the child can be quite cute. My messenger's journey appears to have sped up since finding this child. I believe it has invigorated them, renewed their strength. When my messenger returns I may take notes and send my future messengers with companions. In other news, I have decided to start keeping creatures that are near extinct safe in my compound. I have begun creating machines to build their habitats, and I am making a creature to go capture things in the wild. Some of the things I am to gather are going to be... difficult to collect, but I am doing so anyways. Hopefully I'll have it done soon, the population of specific lizards and vultures have been declining as of late, and I can't miss the deadline. End Log.

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