SWSS Log: Cycle 3,952

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Since the child’s sickness has slown I have been able to focus on more processing heavy tasks, such as designing the creatures to capture the dying lizard population, they will be flying creatures, similar to Dr. MOTH’s Magpies, with less lethal capabilities, and with a few biological components, such as the eyes, and stomach to produce power. I have made a prototype, and it is currently growing, and being built. I am going to use it first to bring my messenger and her child to me so I can begin treatment for them immediately. Hopefully my overseer can properly convey to my messenger that the creation is mine, and my messenger will allow it to take the two back to me. For now, its growth is going well, and it will be released soon. The child has not gotten worse, for once, they are stable. I will update when the creation is complete. End Log.

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