SWSS Log:Cycle 3,933 (update)

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I am making this update directly after my last one, as new information has arisen that needs to be logged immediately. I just received a message from Looks to the Moon. Her communications array has been shut down but she got a message  out anyways somehow. She is in serious trouble, Five Pebbles is putting her in danger, he is what’s causing all the extra output from the two, she doesn’t have enough, and is in danger of collapsing. I don’t believe there is anything I can do from here except hope my messenger can get to Five Pebbles in time to tell him to stop. My messenger is somewhat far, but might be able to make it in time. I've just sent a video reminding them of directions, and told them to hurry. I have no more information as of now, I’ll be updating the instant something happens. End Log.

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