SWSS Log: Cycle 3,942

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My messenger hasn’t made it out of LTTM’s and FP’s Compound yet, it is beginning to worry me. Not for my messenger, they are strong enough to survive on their own. But I believe their child is sick, and that they need medical attention I can’t provide from here. I have told them to hurry, but they can’t seem to reach the hole in the wall they used to get in to get back out, it’s simply too high up. I am currently feeding my overseer instructions so they can diagnose the child. Depending on the severity of the sickness, she could get over it in a few days, or… not.. The child brings my messenger great joy, it would be truly unfortunate for all involved to lose them. I can’t say that it brings only my messenger joy, as she helps me too. Hopefully the small one will be okay. I will do everything in my power to help her, hopefully, with a bit of luck, it will be enough. End Log.

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