SWSS Log: Cycle 3,950

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I have fully repaired my medical facilities again, they haven’t been used for the longest time, so they were in disrepair. Something interesting has happened with the child. Something I couldn’t have possibly expected. The child’s sickness has slowed, I would expect it to hasten as it got closer to… the end, but it has slowed itself instead. I have never heard of something like this before, the child has grown faster than normal. I don’t believe this is a natural born-child, I believe it to be a creation. But if it was a creation, which part of it was created, and why? I can’t seem to find any special features about the child, at least my overseer can’t. They seem like a regular pup in every way, but they either are their sickness, or are fighting it off much, much better than any other slugcat I have ever taken note of before. The child, assuming my Messenger keeps current pace, will make it back to my facilities. This child is the strangest thing, maybe I could study it, and learn what it has that is helping it fight off the infection that plagues it so well. For now, I have calmed my messenger, calmed my overseer, and everything should be okay. I’ll update soon. End Log.

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