SWSS Log: cycle 3,930

12 1 0

The creatures I am making to help me build the habitats are coming along well, everything except the final step of the growth process. I don’t have enough bio-matter to finish them yet, so they must be put on hold for now until I can grow more. I have given my overseer new instructions, instead of sending me pictures and videos when it is asked by my messenger, it now sends me a live feed always, and only alerts me to check it when asked. It can still send pictures and videos if I can’t be there when it asks, but now I don’t have to be sent anything to check on my messenger. Speaking of my messenger they have gotten to the outer wall in which Five Pebbles and Looks to the Moon are located. It isn’t open, and I can’t get a signal to either of the two, so they can’t open it for me. My messenger will need to find another way through. End Log.

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