SWSS Log: Cycle 3,935

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I am making a lot more logs than usual. This time I am writing about what my messenger found. I followed them on their journey, and provided specific directions at every step, and I’m sad to say that Looks to the Moon has fallen. The part of her connected to Five Pebbles has collapsed, the bars holding them together, torn asunder. I do not have high hopes for her continued functioning, if there is any part of her still intact. I am instructing my messenger to find their way back to me as I make this log, they have done well. In other, not as sad, news to try to get my mind off of her, my creature sanctuary is almost done, the one for the lizards anyways. I will be attempting to capture the remaining Ensischordata Lizards, and place them in containment. I will need to come up with a simpler name for them later so I can understand it when I lose access to my vast library of information in another couple thousand cycles. I will do that when I capture them, and have them safely contained. For now, I must focus on figuring out a way to capture them… I still can’t believe that Moon has fallen. No matter how I try, I can’t get her supports failing out of my mind… No matter, I must continue, my mission to preserve what we have now is more important than trying to save what has already passed.  I must stay focused on what matters. End Log.

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