Her Career

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And that's how Hale began acting.

 The role that really kick-started her career was her next one, at the age of 10. 

She starred as Rebecca Wilson in 'Spy Kids: All the Time in the World'. 

This was the role that caused the Taylors to move to San Francisco, just below Miramar.

 Her father was pumped seeing as Top Gun was his favorite movie of all time. 

Her father started his own law firm in California after taking the USA's law bar and passing it with flying colors. 

Having moved to a whole new country, her manager Debrah found the role of Riley in the movie 'Inside Out'.

 It was her first bit of voice acting. 

The producer of the film was nervous about Hale's British accent.

 Hale, however, proved to be a natural. Then at the age of thirteen, she got a small ensemble role in 'Beauty and the Beast.'

 She didn't even have to audition for the role. Emma Watson - an old friend from the first film she worked on - reached out to offer the role to her.

Although only for an ensemble role, Debbie explained that Hale being offered roles was a huge step in her career. 

During this time she also started as an extra in a few episodes of 'Young Sheldon'.

 The next year she was offered another role, this time through the production studio itself - Warner Brothers.

 Debbie almost fainted when she got the call. 

They wanted people to reach an earlier version of Lily in the new Fantastic Beasts Film.

 Spotting red hair and a familiar face would remind the audience of later characters in the wizarding world.

 It also helped to boost the number of eyes focusing on Hale. 

This means more job opportunities.

Despite the notoriety, Hale decided to take a break and focus on stunt work. 

The industry had lost all of its adrenaline for Hale. She needed it.

 So she decided to take a break for a few years. 

During this break, she began building muscle. 

She worked for a stunt company where she learned many different forms and became proficient at almost all of them.

Her break ended when she got told about a role from Warwick Davis - an old mentor from her first film.

 He invited her to coffee, where he introduced her to Val Kilmer who was looking for an actress to take on a role in a series called, 'A Soldier's Revenge'. 

She had never been in a television series as a main character before, but she was very excited. The reality that she was meeting Val Kilmer at Sixteen blew her mind. 

She even expressed this to him. "Sir, it is an absolute honor to make your acquaintance. I adored American Western films as a child. Tombstone always held a fond place in my heart."

After the series, she was invited back for the third installment of Fantastic Beasts by Jude Law.

 She even got to be a part of the case swapping at the end of the film. It was a huge honor to be back on such a magical set.

Then she journeys to her next series - this she auditioned for.

 However, as soon as she stepped foot in the room, it was hers.

 She played Kit in the Disney + series, Willow. 

Warwick immediately claimed it to be her, he said it just had to be. 

And ever since she was 16, her mentor had been Val. 

It naturally occurred that Mercedes and Hale would become best friends and platonic soulmates.

 Seeing as the role of Kit was the daughter of Val and his ex-wife's character - the role was basically Hale's.

 All she had to do was say she wanted it.

 So when Val heard she auditioned for it, he testified for her immense acting ability - or at least as much as he could since he lost his voice to cancer.

However, what really nailed this role for her was her voice. 

Even if she didn't have Warwick and Val on her side.

 In the final round of auditions, she was asked to mimic a voice - and let's just say that is one of her strongest talents.

"So Hale, What we need to hear is a similarity to Kit's parent's tones and mannerisms. Think you can do that?" The director asked. Hale nodded. "Good, so we're going to have a conversation and you give it your best shot."

She could play the dim-witted warrior easily. 

She just had to remind herself who she was playing and to bring the energy.

 And of course, they asked for some improv, they had already heard her read the lines.

"Just what do you think you're doing?" Warwick prompted her. 

Hale looked around her, confused. She then pointed to herself, "Yes you" Warwick prompted again.

She shrugged her shoulders, "I do what I wish". 

She then looked over and found a stick. 

She laughed and began to toss it around, pointing it at the director after she tossed it and caught it behind her back, "I don't like the look of you. What do YOU think YOU are doing?!"

Let's just say the audition room was full of laughs, tears, and screams of terror for thirty minutes.

She was given many other opportunities as well. 

All thanks to connections she had made as a kid in Hollywood. 

Daryl from Sky Kids even got her into her first music video - with his wife Megan Trainor. 

Ewan McGregor introduced her to the Star Wars legacy through the Obi-Wan Series.

 And Mads Mikkelsen threw her into the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

However, Hale still wanted more.

 She wanted thrill and adventure.

 She didn't want a role that was handed to her either...

 She wanted to get it because of her skill.

 Maybe someone she knew would offer the audition to her - but it would be her skills that got her through to the end of the audition process. 

Her skills would be what landed her the role. 


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