Ninety Three: Confessions (Part 1)

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Xavier felt light, he felt elated like a weight was lifted off his chest. After spilling the last bit of his trauma to the love of his life, he had finally slept with no worries or nightmares, and it had been the first time in a while that he had dreamt of his mother playing with him, singing her poems to him.

Something was comforting him, lulling him to its gentle warmth. His eyes fluttered open and he found himself wrapped around Krithika. She was calmly sleeping, the faint sunlight glimmering through the windows made her face shine like a divine spirit, an angel.

His heart skipped a beat when she nuzzled close to him, her feather-like breath lovingly touched his soul. What kind of good deed had he done to be blessed by such fruits? Why hadn't she come any sooner in his life? Did he deserve her love, her kindness?

Tucking a lock of hair behind her ears he noticed faded smudges of kajal on her cheeks. It was the proof of how much she had cried for him, while he broke down reliving each moment of his torturous childhood.

There had been no other way than to tell her all the truth. He couldn't hold back himself, especially after the last morning when he had received a letter from his stepmother saying that his demon of a father was sick on his deathbed, awaiting a visit from him.

He had torn that paper into pieces. It meant nothing to him. That monster deserved to rot in hell and he would never allow that bastard to rinse off his sins by offering him forgiveness.

He had tried to contain his rage, to forget every torture, but his control had cracked when Krithika had mocked him. He had lashed her, pouring all his pent-up anger on her, frightening her so bad that it had broken his heart to see her crying.

Hurting anyone was never on his list, especially her. She was the best thing to happen in his life, and he never wanted to let go of her, not even in his dream.

And she stayed with you...




Her eyes slowly opened, blinking to adjust to the sunlight. Finally, he saw those sparkling dark orbs staring at him, "For?"

"For...scaring you, making you cry."

She immediately pulled him into a kiss. Her body was soft and plump against his, almost like a cloud. And he wanted to float against it, fucking skydive into her softness.

Breaking their kiss he pushed her flat on the floor and hovered above her, supporting his weight on his elbows, staring at her face. If death came at that moment for him, he would happily accept the offer, for he had finally seen an ethereal soul in front of him.

"Xav...", she breathed.


"I want to go somewhere...with you.", she whispered, "For my birthday, I wish to celebrate it with you, only you and no one around us."

They stared at each other.

Her eyes started to darken into a deeper shade of jet black- if that was even possible. He noticed how very slowly her breath was speeding into short puffs, heeding her attraction for him. Her arousal made his blood boil, he wanted to take her and show how much he loved her.

Her eyes glanced at his lips for a few seconds before they traveled south, "Xavier, would you do that for me?"

"Whatever you say, my darling.", he murmured, "Whatever you wish, your order is my life."

"Really?", she challenged him, "So, here's one more..."

"Go on."

She bit her lower lip, "For my life's sake, please put on a damn shirt or I'll die here watching your naked chest rise and fall, while you do nothing but just breathe."

He threw his head back and laughed aloud. Something was endearing about her straightforwardness, the open-book attitude that made him fall in love all over again.



I have to admit that I am a sucker for this full series of T-series Mixtape, and this particular song is one of my favorites.

Now, if any one of my friends ever read the above comment, they would have a poker face with a sentence on their mind- "But... But, Suganthi, you have thousands and thousands of favorites."

I am just a fan, okay, don't mind my love for Indian movie songs- any language any emotion.

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