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disclaimer: i do not own the 100 or any of it's characters or plot points. i only own the rights to personal plot twists and original characters made for this story. all face claims of original characters are likeness' only and characters should be imagined as described.


Thomas Brodie-Sangster


Ayden Deyoore

the beloved

the beloved

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Bob Morley


Bellamy Blake

the leader

the leader

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Ben Barnes


Micheal Saaves

the nemesis

the nemesis

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Richard Harmon


John Murphy

the childhood friend

the childhood friend

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Eliza Taylor


Clarke Griffin

the authority

the authority

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the rest of the cast


their own characters

their own characters

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I hope you enjoy!

for those of you coming back to my books, welcome back! i'm a little upset that i had to delete the last book, but the circumstances called for it.

for those of you new to my books, welcome! this is my first book about the 100. i want to let everyone know that this fic will have my own plots added in. having a new character added to the main cast, let alone two, would have changed the plot completely. some plot points will remain the same, and others will be changed to fit my characters and their personalities.

updates will be when i remember.

author lady sun.

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