Chapter 11: Sticks, Leaves and Infected Flesh

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John's knife bounces off of the tree, sticking out from the ground

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John's knife bounces off of the tree, sticking out from the ground. Jasper groans again in the background.

"That damn kid, always messing with my head," Murphy reasons. Ayden snorts from where he sits against a tree, fiddling with something that Bellamy can't quite see. He glances at the blond boy for a second, before turning to the tree and throwing his axe.

"He's not going to last much longer, better think of a new excuse. That's how it's done," The axe imbeds itself in the tree as Atom and Gillian walk towards the trio.

"We searched a half-mile, all directions. No sign of Trina or Pascal." Atom says. Ayden's face twists into a look of concern, turning to John.

"Visit your special tree when you were out there?" John asks, ignoring Ayden's face turning confused.

"Atom took his punishment, let it go," Bellamy orders, Ayden looking to Atom for a reassural that the boy was okay. Atom just shook his head, telling Ayden not to mention it.

"Could be grounders," Atom mused.

"I hope they're okay," Ayden signed.

"They could be in pound town, Ayden, there's no need to worry. There's been a lot of that going around recently." John laughed when Ayden's face screwed up in disgust at the thought.

"Look, Bellamy, regardless of whether or not they're okay, people are scared, and that dying kid, he's not helping the morale around here." Atom said.

"He's not dying. Clarke says he's getting better," Ayden signed furiously.

"Sorry, not dying."

"Morale will go up when I find them more food." Bellamy told the group.

"And what do we say when they find out about Trina and Pascal?" Gillian asked.

"Now? Nothing. It's possible they're just lost. We'll keep an eye out for them when we go hunting later."

John makes to move off. "Let's go kill something." But Bellamy's hand stops him.

"You're not going. I need you to stay here. If the Grounders are circling, we can't leave this place unprotected." John glanced over at Ayden, who was looking at his hands.

"Fine. But somebody better tell goggle boy to keep it shut." The boy walked over to Ayden and grabbed his hand, pulling him up. He smiled at John, walking past him. He walked past Bellamy too, who was observing the pair, and placed a crown made of moss, grass, sticks, leaves and other various things the boy had found on the ground onto his head. Bellamy blinked and stared at the boy, who kept on walking like nothing ever happened.

"You better fucking keep that on," Murphy threatened just loud enough for only Bellamy to hear as he walked past him after Ayden.

Bellamy kept the crown on.

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