Chapter 9: The Skybox

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The trio sat at their table in the skybox cafeteria, laughing and joking around. They looked like normal teenagers, only normal teens weren't scheduled to die.

"Actually fuck off," John laughed shoving Ayden. Ayden picked another bit of food off John's plate with a smirk, placing it delicately into his mouth and flipping John off with the other finger.

"Hey, you don't want to be taking up that kind of tone with Ayden, he's practically the king of this place," Micheal said, John's attention on him allowing Ayden to sneak another piece of his food. John turned back just in time to see the boy place the food in his mouth.

"HEY!" John laughed again. "That's my rations, dammit! That's all I get for today!"

"Quiet down over there," A guard called to the three. Ayden's face immediately dropped, followed quickly by his companions. Ayden pushed his plate towards John, who silently took all he was owed and pushed it back.

It was another regular day in the Skybox. Kids as young as ten sat amongst the delinquents, all eating their food in a whispered silence. Walking into the Skybox you would be hit with a sense of fear and unease, feeling what the children kept there would feel every day. But amongst the fear, the hatred, the pain and abuse, there was also a childlike fun that hung in the atmosphere.

Most people in the Skybox had lost their childhoods to petty crimes and anger, lost their childhood to necessity or simple mistakes. All crimes were capital crimes, and all criminals were sentenced to death. Ayden felt that despite that, these people deserved to have their childhoods, despite their sentence, and despite their crimes. Everyone in the Skybox felt safe to talk to each other away from the peering eyes of the guards, and everyone in the Skybox felt free to act as stupid as they wanted behind closed doors.

"Lunch is over, back to commons!" A guard called over the noise. People fell into the routine of heading back to commons. There were rules, both from the guards and the prisoners, and nobody felt the need to see if breaking them would end any differently for them than for the last person.

Rule one: Follow everything the guards say.

The group headed out of the lunch room, the trio of friends among them.

Commons was the name given by the guards to the main area of the Skybox. Anyone who wasn't in solitary would spend their whole day in commons, or in their cell if they felt like being away from the guards or the other inmates. Commons was never referred to as 'commons' by the delinquents. Gathering was the name of the area where everyone spent their time.

Rule two: Gathering was not a place for talking.

They all filed into Gathering before splitting into their usual groups and sitting in their usual spots. Gathering was fairly average, with a large open space with some books in the corner, and some chairs and tables spread around. Ayden's group usually sat near the corner, a highly desirable space as the guards frequented it less. Micheal and John began chattering away, occasionally bringing Ayden into the conversation, but it was clear the blond wasn't feeling up to talking after the guard had snapped at them.

"Bathroom?" Ayden signed suddenly. Micheal rose, nodding.

Rule three: Never go to the bathroom alone.

The two walked into the bathroom in silence.

"You good?" Micheal asked quietly. Ayden gave a weak smile.

"Fine," The boy moved to the sink and splashed some water on his face. "Check my back?"

Micheal nodded before moving to the boy. He lifted his shirt gingerly and looked. "Seems to be healing nicely." Ayden nodded, pulling back down his shirt.

"We should get back to John. We shouldn't leave him alone for much longer," Micheal said. Ayden nodded silently before the pair moved to the door, and back out to the awful place that was the skybox.

sorry for the wait, but i have a bunch of chapter prewritten now? so lots more to come

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sorry for the wait, but i have a bunch of chapter prewritten now? so lots more to come

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