Chapter 7: Spike Trap

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Ayden did what any sane person would do in that situation

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Ayden did what any sane person would do in that situation.

Ayden panicked.

He moved over to Jasper, tears forming in his eyes, and a gasp in his throat as he looked at the wound. The boy's eyes were closed. Jasper was dead. Ayden let out a sob, leaning on the boy's shoulder as he cried.

"Wake up. Please, wake up. I can't lose someone else. Please," Ayden sobbed into Jasper's shirt. "Please, I need you. I need you to live, please."

A small groan underneath him had Ayden's head shooting up, looking at Jasper.

"Jasper?" Ayden whispered to the air. His hands moved to Jasper's face, moving it gently towards him. A pained noise followed the movement. Ayden gasped once more.

"We have to get going. I'm going to move you, okay? Let's move," Ayden murmured. "I don't know if they're going to come back, okay? We have to get going, so I'm just going to move you, alright? It's going to be okay. Okay, let's do this. I'm moving you now."

Ayden moved around Jasper to get a better grip on him, before dragging him by his armpits. The boy cried out causing Ayden to freak out.

"No, no, no, can you try to be quiet for me please? Shh, shh, shh. It's okay. Can you be quiet for me? You're doing so good, Jasper. But if we aren't quiet they might hear-" Ayden cut himself off, the snapping of a twig alerting him to the presence of something - or someone - else.

Placing a muffling hand over Jasper's mouth, Ayden did his best to continue to pull the boy into the trees, away from whoever was looking for them, but with one of his hands occupied with Jasper's mouth, Ayden couldn't pull Jasper along properly. He gets them into the trees, away from the open area of the rocks that the pair had swung onto only minutes earlier.

Another snap, closer this time. Ayden lets out a silent sob, before moving away from Jasper and hiding where he can still see Jasper's lifeless body. A man with a long beard and broad shoulders walks through the trees, into Ayden's eyesight. The man spots Jasper, and pulls the spear out of his chest, causing Jasper to scream. The scream is loud and ugly, and Ayden flinches at the sound, pressing a hand to his mouth to stop himself from making any noises as he once more begins to cry. He wanted nothing more than to go over there and stop the man, make him leave Jasper alone but Ayden knows the he wouldn't win in a fight against him. While he was most likely taller than the man, Ayden was skinny and malnourished, a result of years in the skybox.

The man begins to put a green substance onto Jasper's chest where the spear once was. Once the wound is filled, and the man seems satisfied, he picks up Jasper and heaves him over his shoulder, before walking off with him, muttering to himself in a language that Ayden can't understand.

Ayden sneaks along after them, wiping his tears and the blood on his face. He looks at the ground, making sure not to step onto any twigs that may give away his position.

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