Chapter Six: Mount Weather

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The next morning, the six of them stand around the river as Finn stands there, holding the vine

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The next morning, the six of them stand around the river as Finn stands there, holding the vine. Ayden smirks as the boy tugs once more.

"You wanted to go first. Now quit stalling," Clarke stares up at Finn.

"Mount Weather awaits," Octavia adds. Jasper mumbles something to Finn that Ayden doesn't catch. Finn asks something, a smile on his face.

"Apogee, not apache." Jasper says like it's obvious.

"He knows. Today Finn," Clarke says, earning a mocking salute and an 'Aye Aye Captain' from Finn.

"Oh for god's sake," Ayden signs, before climbing up the rock and taking the vine from Finn's hands. He tugs once, before pulling it back and jumping, swinging across the river without a second thought. The group cries out in shock, the blond haired boy seeming to fly in slow motion. Ayden lets go of the rope...

And crashes face first into the rocks on the other side. He lays there as the group shouts out to him, before spinning around to stare at the others, his face a bleeding mess. Ayden signs out that he's fine, calming the group. He sits on the rocks, breathing heavily, watching as Finn moves to follow him. Jasper stops him, before swinging across the river himself. Jasper's landing is much more elegant, managing to stop himself from face planting. He stands, raising his fists in the air and shouting.


The group cheered him on, and Ayden smiled from the ground, watching the younger boy have his moment. Blood dripped into the corner of his eye, but Ayden just wiped it away, wincing when his hand met his scratched up face. His leg was still felt like a weight he couldn't carry, but he could walk on it despite the pain.

Ayden looked around as Jasper cheered on Clarke, who had taken the vine into her hands, before spotting something rusted just out of his reach. He waved to Jasper, who moved over to inspect Ayden's find. He grabbed it, brushing it off before shouting to the group.

"WE DID IT! MOUNT WEATHER!!" He lifted the sign above his head, revealing it to be a sign with the words 'Mount Weather Containment' spray painted onto it. Jasper began cheering once more.

A spear flew through the air, hitting Jasper in the chest.

"Jasper!" Clarke called out. Finn began to pull her away. "JASPER!!"

The group ran off.

Leaving Ayden alone with Jasper's body.

sorry for the wait i just remembered that i existed

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sorry for the wait i just remembered that i existed

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