Chapter Three: Oh Deer

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Ayden meandered through the forest, taking everything in

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Ayden meandered through the forest, taking everything in. Earth was so different than anything that he had ever seen before, the colours more vibrant than anything in his cell in the skybox. Up ahead was Finn, who picked a flower and tucked it behind Octavia's ear with a small smile. Ayden rolled his eyes, moving to the flowers and picking one for himself. These were a new colour, one that he hadn't seen yet. Ayden pressed the flower gently to his nose as Jasper and Monty caught up to him. It had a sweeter smell than he would have expected.

"Now, that, my friend, is game," Jasper told Monty. Ayden smiled fondly at the younger male.

"That, my friend, is poison sumac," Monty retorted, causing Octavia to smack at her head. Ayden watched the flower float softly to the ground, his nose still pressed into the flower. Ayden knew that Monty wouldn't let anyone in the group get hurt, he was much too sweet for that.

"What? It is?" Octavia freaked out, and Monty smiled.

"The flowers aren't poisonous. They're medicinal, calming actually," Monty explained, placing one in his mouth. Ayden's eyes widened and he smiled, placing his own flower into his mouth. It was strange, unlike anything he'd ever had before, but it was nice.

"His family grows all the pharmaceuticals on The Ark," Jasper supplied as he stepped over a root.

"Hey guys, would you try to keep up?" Clarke called from up ahead.

"Clarke, how can you block all this out?" Finn asked.

"Well, it's simple. I wonder, 'why haven't we seen any animals?' Maybe it's because there are none. Maybe we've already been exposed to enough radiation to kill us. Sure is pretty, though. Come on," Clarke turned and continued her fast pace.

"Someone should slip her some poison sumac," Octavia muttered, causing Finn to snort gently. Ayden frowned, but moved to keep up with Clarke, grabbing Finn by the arm so he would lead the others to do the same.

"I gotta know what you two did to get busted," Finn said as he walked alongside Ayden, their pace even to the blonde's.

"Sumac is not the only herb in the garden, if you know what I mean," Monty implied. Ayden smiled fondly once more.

"Someone forgot to replace what we took," Jasper dug, and Monty huffed.

"Someone has apologised a thousand times," Monty stressed.

"Ayden?" Finn smiled.

"I commited a string of murders over the course of 3 years, the only reason I was locked up was because I turned myself in," Ayden signed, watching Jasper's eyes go wide.

"Wait, really?" Jasper asked. Monty elbowed Jasper with a snort.

"No, not really," Ayden signed, a huff of amused air escaping his nose. "My mother was a second child, I was born in the skybox. I thought everyone knew that."

"Wait, so this is like, your first time out of prison?" Monty asked curiously. Ayden nodded.

"What about you, Octavia? What'd they get you for?" Jasper asked.

"Being born," Octavia scowled as she walked off.

"That is so not game," Monty whispered to Jasper, who hit him. The returned hits for a bit until slowly the group came to a stop behind Clarke. Standing in the clearing in front of the six was some sort of animal, grazing on the grass.

"No animals, huh?" Finn snarked to Clarke. Ayden's eyes were wide as he moved towards the animal. A sharp snap came from a stick under his foot, and the animal looked up, before facing them. Coming from its face was another face, joined crudely by hunks of flesh and gore. Two eyes were connected into a joined socket, both of which looked blind from the clear mutation. Ayden had never seen whatever this animal was before, but he was sure it was not supposed to look like it did.

Everyone gasped as they looked at it, watching as it ran off. Ayden looked at the people around him, their faces an expression of shock or disgust.

Maybe Earth wasn't as good as they thought...

can you tell im a marauders fan from the title?

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can you tell im a marauders fan from the title?

short chapter today :)

comment your thoughts, all feedback is appreciated!

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