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" Who would kidnap me other than you?" asked Wonwoo sarcastically after Mingyu let him enter the house.

While the spectacled boy was walking, the other head locked him and said

"Alright, Let me kidnap you"

" Confess! Where were you?"

Wonwoo removed his roommate's hand and replied "It doesn't matter, I'm home now."

The big puppy Mingyu sniffed something in the air. It was an unfamiliar smell.

" Wait, what's this smell?"

" Nothing. You smelled wrong" answered Wonwoo. He started panicking a little.

"Tell me. Who were you on a date with ?" Mingyu was clever enough to connect the dots.

"It wasn't a date. I was fixing my friend's camera"

" How would that give you this smell? Do you think I'm dumb?" argued Mingyu. He sounded upset.

"It's true!" insisted his friend.

"I am going to my room" said Wonwoo. He was climbing the stairs but Mingyu pulled his sweater in order to stop him. But this brother was really strong. Poor Wonwoo! He fell down and hurt his ankle.

" Ah! What are you doing?" he winced with pain.

" Did you get hurt?" asked Mingyu worried. He instantly regretted his actions. He was about to take a look at the injury.

" Don't touch me!"

Wonwoo got up but he was about to fall again. Thankfully Mingyu was there to hold him. He gave support to the injured male.

" Won, let me help you"



Wonwoo was in their shared bedroom, changing his clothes. Mingyu was outside, wrapped in a blanket. He was shivering like mad. Both of them communicated with each other despite the locked door. Mingyu explained everything that happened in the meeting.

"Then your eldest brother probably won't let go this opportunity" said Wonwoo.

"Right. But I want to give it up immediately. I'm not finding his son for him

Wonwoo opened the door, limping due to his ankle.

" Why are you wrapped in my blanket? " asked Wonwoo suspicious.

"I'm cold" replied Mingyu, his teeth jittering as he entered the room.

"Go shower then. If you take a hot shower you won't be cold anymore" suggested the other as he sat down on the bed.

"Let me help you ice your leg first" said Mingyu removing an ice pack that he had been holding in his hands for a long time.

" You're holding onto a bag of ice of course you would cold" pointed out Wonwoo.

" I did it because of you"

Mingyu started placing the ice pack on the injured part. He was careful this time. He could not risk hurting Wonwoo again.

" How is it? Feeling better?"

" Hey, I'm sorry. I should have told you that I would be late for home" apologized Wonwoo. He felt guilty after hearing that Mingyu was holding the ice just for him. Mingyu can't stand cold things.

" It's fine, we're best friends" said Mingyu, with a bright smile causing Wonwoo to grin too.


Two boys cautiously entered  a stranger's house.

"Why do you have the keys ?" asked the youngest Choi brother.

"I made a copy" replied Seungkwan as he switched on the lights.

"Dang! You made a copy ?" asked Vernon, blinking his eyes out of disbelief. 

Yes, they broke into the residence of Yoon Jeonghan. Vernon was obsessed with finding his long lost brother. Seungkwan, on the other hand, had to accompany him and be his partner in crime.

" Vernon, go look there " instructed the other. Vernon nodded. But all he did in the end was open Jeonghan's fridge and took an apple. He was eating it while his friend was going through a box of old things which was kept on the couch. Seungkwan frantically searched it for clues and hints.

After two minutes, he found a rusty old diary. After reading a few pages, he realized that it was :-

" This is his mom's diary" he stated.

" What was she like?" asked Vernon, taking a bite of the apple.

"Her name was Yoon Seoyun. She grew up with your dad. They had a fight once and she cut her hair off" said Seungkwan, shocked by the last bit.

" She what?" asked Vernon. He sat on the the couch where Seungkwan was seated. He laid his head on his best friend's shoulder.

The one with the book thought for a while before answering 

"Most women would do anything your dad says. That's why your dad couldn't forget about her"

" Why did they break up?" questioned the Choi.

Seungkwan read more pages and spoke 

"I don't know about that. It only says that Ms. Yoon went into hiding and... secretly gave birth to a child but your father didn't know about it"

Vernon removed his head from its resting place and looked at the other.

"So Jeonghan might actually be my brother"

Seungkwan aggressively nodded his head "It's pretty likely"

"Damn it! Then I'm the 4th child" pouted Vernon. Life's pretty hard when you're the youngest.

"Hey, that's not what you should be worried about now" said Seungkwan, annoyed by the other's sulkiness.

"What should I be worrying about then?

"You should be worrying about Seungcheol Hyung. He's on his way to find Jeonghan Hyung too" explained Seungkwan. Vernon shrugged the thought off and wondered out loud :

"What's Jeonghan's personality? Do you think...  he's just like my dad and my big brother?"

Seungkwan was biting his nails again, pondering about the question. Vernon rolled his eyes and stuffed the leftover apple in the other's mouth.

"Stop biting. Eat your apples!" Seungkwan grumpily chewed the fruit. After swallowing it, he pointed out :

"Let's say if Jeonghan Hyung's personality is as stubborn as his mom's, do you think he'll go home with your big brother ?"

"If Jeonghan's mom was fighting with my dad" Vernon clicked his tongue and continued his sentence "I believe Jeonghan and my brother would fight too."

" That's right"

" They will fight..." Seungkwan completed the Choi's sentence in a dramatic voice

" TO DEATH !!"


  Jeonghan had parked his bike outside his house. He muttered to himself

"Gosh I'm starving ! Luckily I brought back some buns."

He turned around only to get a jump scare from seeing an unexpected person. This person smirked and said

" Missed me?!?"

~ 🍒💘😇 ~ ~ 🐶💘😺~ ~🐢💘🍊~

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