Chapter 4: Nice to meet you

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On a normal day Edward was in the office as usual and doing his job as usual, he did every task without thinking about what had happened. While Edward was busy, his best friend, Nick, entered Edward's office. Nick continued to sit across from Edward, he just watched his best friend do his work. Soon Edward spoke up, "why are you looking at me like that"? is there anything you want to talk about? Nick just shook his head, and Nick then spoke "do you have a problem" Edward? Why from this morning I saw you just keep quiet during our meeting until now. Edward just kept quiet and continued to do his work without answering Nick's question. Not long after, his best friend Terry walked into Edward's office, and he was surprised to see that Nick was also in the office. "Did I miss a story from you two, what's up with work," said Terry, but Nick just shook his head and turned his mouth towards Edward who remained silent.                                                                             

         While Edward was leisurely checking his work on his computer, Terry continued to ask about the proposal that Edward made after the new year's eve. Edward stopped and stiffened for a moment after Terry mentioned the proposal. Edward stopped looking at his computer he started looking at the faces of his two friends and then said "Aoom rejected my proposal", "Aoom ended our relationship because he wants to be an international model". Terry and Nick were shocked to hear the confession from Edward's mouth. Is this true, Edward? Terry and Nick asked his friend at the same time, and Edward just nodded.

We both really sympathize with what happened to your relationship, Edward. Nick said to his friend. Edward just smiled weakly. Suddenly Terry changed the mood to cheerful he made a plan to take Edward and Nick to go to a night club tonight. That's a very good and brilliant idea said Nick, Edward just shook his head and he said I just want to rest at home. After a few minutes of persuading Edward to comply with the request of his two best friends, he finally agreed to go out to a night club together. Terry and Nick shook each other's hands as Edward finally agreed to both of their ideas. "Tonight I want to find a beautiful and sexy woman" said Terry. Yeah I want to find a woman like that too Nick said, and Edward just shook his head at his best friend's antics like that.

        After meeting with Aoom, Claire went straight to Edward's office address, not long after she reached her destination, which is that she was now in front of the office building of a billionaire Edward Waraha, her mouth could hardly be closed and her eyes widened because she saw the height of the office building. the sky is high. Without delaying when Claire brought the items that Aoom gave her, she headed towards the front counter of the building and asked where Edward Waraha's office was. The employee continued to tell that Mr. Edward's office was upstairs. Claire went straight to the elevator and pressed the number button to head towards Edward Waraha's floor. When Claire arrived at Edward's office floor, she began to ask Edward's personal assistant who was on duty. Claire said "excuse me, My name is Claire Austin I want to see Mr. Edward Waraha for a moment because I have something I want to deliver to him" Claire said to Edward's personal assistant. Edward's personal assistant smiled and stood up and went straight into his employer's office. A few minutes later the woman came out of the office and asked Claire to wait for a while, as her employer was chatting with her friend. After waiting for a few minutes Claire was finally given permission to enter Edward Waraha's office, when she entered the office Claire saw Edward Waraha's face for the first time.

Claire smiled when she was able to see Edward's face for the first time, because to be honest she had a crush on Edward Waraha for quite some time. Claire always sees Edward on social media and follows Edward's social media from a long time ago. Claire gave a sweet smile and a respectful bow to Edward and her friends, and Claire continued to introduce herself to the three of them. As Claire bowed, Edward stood up and returned the bow with a smile. His friends Terry and Nick were just in awe of Claire's beauty, then Terry said "I just found out there are beautiful women working as couriers" and Nick continued to interrupt and said "I also just found out there are beautiful women working as couriers". Claire just smiled at the teasing from Edward's friend, it wasn't long before Claire introduced herself. "My name is Claire Austin, I am Aoom's friend, I came here to deliver the items that Aoom wanted to return to Edward Waraha. Edward was surprised when Claire introduced herself as Aoom's friend. Edward walked over and asked "where is Aoom now"? Then Claire answered Edward's question. "Aoom is now at the airport, soon his flight will leave Aoom will go to Paris and will probably live there for a long time" said Claire. Edward was just silent he didn't think Aoom would really leave him, Claire continued Heading to the office desk, he placed the item on the table. Shortly after Claire asked to leave, suddenly Terry continued to speak "can I have your phone number, beautiful? Terry said. Claire just chuckled and left the office. Nick and Terry were still stunned to see Claire leave the office. While Edward stood stiffly looking at the box of his memories with his ex-girlfriend Aoom.              

          After leaving Edward's office, Claire felt her heart beat fast. Claire felt herself start to fall in love seeing Edward's face for the first time. Then Claire put her hand on her chest and closed her eyes and said "calm down he's not yours, you don't deserve him Claire Austin". After calming herself Claire left the building without thinking about what had happened.

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