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the food was really fucking good

but it would've been better if y/n didn't have to look at a certain head of bed hair who happened to be sitting across from her.

"so you're in the same school?" her dad asked kuroo.

"yes sir, same class too, we're lab partners" he flashed him a charming smile.

sir? who the fuck says sir? and why is he smiling like that?

"lab partners?" mr. kuroo asked and gave his son a knowing look.

"tetsu is y/n the girl you keep ta-" his mother spoke but he cut her off.

"she's smart so it's a good thing we're lab partners" he nodded and turned to y/n's mother.

"this food is really good mrs. l/n" he said, flashing another one of his charming smiles.

"oh thankyou sweetie, you're welcome to dine with us whenever you want" her mom gave him a closed eye smile.

"if it means i can have all this delicious food, you're gonna have trouble getting rid of me" he joked, making the adults laugh.

y/n watched with narrowed eyes as he effortlessly engaged her mom in conversation.

worst part? they were talking about her right in front of her like she wasn't there.

"oh yeah she does get cranky when the colour of the acid doesn't come out right" he laughed along with mrs l/n.

he continued, "and i tell her maybe we should stop adding the kmno4 and she tells me im disturbing her"

kuroo glanced at her for a second and then turned back to her mother, his smile widened.

"she doesn't usually lose her cool but i may have ticked her off a little today" he told mrs. l/n.

"is that so?" the older woman asked, looking at her daughter.

"i asked her for a friendly match after the final you see, she lost so she stormed out of the gym" kuroo explained.

her mother laughed and ruffled y/n's hair, "oh she is a sore loser, even during family game night"

"i didn't storm out, i was just tired so i wanted to get
home quickly" y/n rolled her eyes, hoping none of the adults would catch onto the sarcasm in her voice.

"you sure you didn't storm out?" he asked her.

"a hundred percent i didn't"

kuroo turned to her mom with a smile, "no i think she did"

the shameless fucker was embarrassing her on purpose. he knew exactly what he was doing, he knew she couldn't say anything in front of her parents.

but what they didn't know couldn't hurt them. under the table, she kicked him very close to the crotch.

he nervously laughed and shut his mouth, toying with the food in his plate.

the rest of the dinner went by with the adults laughing about the whether and the moms rubbing elbows with each other and their children.

thankfully kuroo didn't say anything else about her. he must have got her message loud and clear.

one more word and you can say bye bye to your future kids

the two kept stealing glances at each other throughout though and that didn't go unnoticed by y/n's brother.

the adults soon started talking about business and how they were planning to cooperate.

oh so that's what this was, not a friendly dinner, but a business meeting.

"dude you wanna play smash bros upstairs?" yuta asked kuroo, who nodded and the boys left to go to yuta's room.

"y/n you should go play with them too" her mother said.

"im fine here, really" she awkwardly laughed but mama l/n shooed her off.

she dragged herself upstairs, about to enter her brother's room when she realised she could just go to her room and the adults would never know.

so thats exactly what she did. don't you love it when people realise they have free will?

but only to find yuta and kuroo getting comfortable on her bed and using her tv to play smash bros.

that's when she took in kuroo's outfit for the first time. he was sporting black pants and a dress shirt with the top few buttons unbuttoned.

she could make out a small silver chain glimmering on his neck. he would've looked good to her if she had never talked to him, but unfortunately she had.

he was manspreading and leaning forward with his elbows on his thighs and a controller in his hands. all his attention was on the tv.

"disrespectfully get the fuck out" y/n spat at the boys.

"i think i like you better when your parents are around" kuroo said without looking at her and yuta snorted.

"my tv isn't working so no, we will not get out, you can tho" her brother said in his usual monotone.

"why should i? it's my room"

"okay then don't"

that's when she realised just how much she hated boys. not just kuroo, all boys.

y/n really had been hating everything for the last two hours. was she about to get her period? nah it had to be kuroo's annoying face paired with the fatigue.

yuta paused the game and sat up, "so now that you two are alone with me, talk"

"talk?" kuroo asked, finally looking away from the tv.

"you definitely have something going on between you. are ya dating?"

"as if" y/n snorted.

"i mean she did ask me out and i rejected her so she's salty about that" kuroo spoke, a devious grin making its way to his lips.

"oh really?" yuta asked his sister with an amused look on his face.

"he's lying!"

"am not"

she really wasn't in the mood to be sassy right now.

"tell him you're lying or i'll tell your future kids goodbye for you" she threatened.

"you can try"

so she shot her leg out and landed a smooth kick on his dick with her heel.

"ow what the fuck!" yuta yelled and covered his own crotch with his hands. tsk drama queen, he wasn't even the one she'd kicked.

she turned to kuroo who was doubled over and dying on her bed, unable to cuss her out or make any sound for that matter.

the look of absolute pain and torture on his face made y/n's day 10 times better.

"you're crazy crazy" yuta looked at her with wide eyes.

"i did warn him" she shrugged.

"look at him! he's dying!"

"oh quit being dramatic" she grinned and happily skipped over to her tv to unplug it.

"now get out" she told both of them and pointed at her door.

yuta quickly scuffled out, then came back inside to grab kuroo, haul him up and out of the room.

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